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trousers Su Hai’s I can say and write the names of some clothes. I can use “whose” to ask questions. Before eating fish, Let’s listen to some English. Before eating fish, Let’s listen to some English. English fish him music pig i I can say and write the names of some clothes. I can use “whose” to ask questions. I know the sound of the letter “i”. Oh, Chris! Oh, Chris! Whose cake is this? It’s my cake. Let’s eat it by the lake. 让我们在湖边吃。 1.熟读Sound time内容。 2.复习本单元所学内容。 Unit7 What’s the matter? (Story time) happy I’m happy. hungry I’m hungry. ill I’m ill. 生病的 sad I’m sad. 游戏规则: 看到出现的图片的一角, 快速猜一猜是什么衣物, 比一比谁猜的又快又准噢 a shirt Whose shirt is this ? 这是谁的男式衬衫? a sweater Whose sweater is this ? 这是谁的毛衣? jeans Whose jeans are these ? 这是谁的牛仔裤? shorts Whose shorts are these ? 这是谁的短裤? Whose sweater is this? Guess! No. You’re wrong. Is it Dan’s? 错的,错误的 Yes. You’re right. Is it Joe’s? What’s this ? What’s this ? What’s this? Look! It can move. 移动 Is this a ball, Sam? 我想是。 I think so. Let’s play. What’s the matter? My hand hurts. 怎么了? 手疼 Hi! Nice to meet you. Hi! Nice to meet you too. 有表情地分组对话,并 注意模仿语音语调噢! 三人一小组表演对话,比一比哪组表演的最棒噢! 1.复述Cartoon time中的故事。 2.预习Sound time内容。 Unit6 Whose dress is this? (Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time Ticking time) 游戏规则: 看到闪动的一组图片, 快速说出是什么衣物, 比一比谁说的又快又准噢! coat YangLing’s dress Helen’s sweaters Liu Tao’s shirts Mike’s It’s spring. It’s... In spring, I ... I can talk about the four seasons. I can talk about activities in each season. What are they? Tom Mike Mary Tom, Mary and Mike All like the kite. Chinese kite like time white i I can talk about the four seasons. I can talk about activities in each season. I know the sound of the letter “i”. 1.( ) kite sit 2.( ) like time 3.( ) tiger white 4.( ) spring library F T T F 辨音,相符的写T,不相符的写F。 1.熟读Sound time内容。 2.复习本单元内容。 Unit6 Whose dress is this? (Story time) 游戏规则: 看到出现的图片的一角, 快速猜一猜是什么衣物, 比一比谁猜的又快又准噢! a coat a dress Who


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