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PAGE PAGE 1 形容词变副词专项练习 Name _______ Score _______ 一、写出下列形容词的副词形式 happy ___ sad ____ quiet ___ loud ___ heavy ___ angry ____ careful ___ hard ____ fast _____ good __ quick ______ late_ ____ bad _____ excited ___ busy_____ lucky________ slow _____ clear ___ early __ ____ easy________ 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 The boy laughed at her __ (loud). She said to her little brother __ (quiet). Her mother got out from the room __ (angry). “Thank you!” said the lion ___ (happy). The mouse walked past the room __ (careful). Sam was __ (angry) and he hit the ball __ (hard). He opened the present __ (slow). Tim got hurt and he cried __ (sad) on the floor. Jack is running __ (fast) in the playground. The man was tired, he walked __ (slow) on the pavement. He is very __ (hungry) and can not run __ (fast). Please look at the blackboard _ (careful). Be __ (careful)! There is a car running to you __ (quick). Listen! The birds are singing songs __ (happy). Lily is a _ (quiet) girl. She is reading __ (quiet). Listen ___ (careful)! The teacher is looking at you. The hole is too __ (deep) , Sam can not reach it. I can play table tennis very __ (good). She is a __ (good) swimmer and she can swim __ (good). You should study __ (hard) in the school. My grandmother told us a __ _ (sad) story. All of us were _ _ (sad). “ Please don’t eat me!” said the mouse __ (quiet). All of the students cheered for them __ (loud). I usually get up __ (early) in the morning. “Don’t go to school _ (late)!” said her mother __ (loud). She finishes her homework __ (easy).


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