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本论文根据中国城市小I区的供水要求,设计了一套基于PLC的变频调 速恒压供水系统,并利用组态软件开发良好的运行管理界面。变频恒压供水 系统由可编程控制器、变频器、水泵机组、压力传感器、工控机等构成。
本系统包含三台水泵电机,它们组成变频循环运行方式。采用变频器 实现对三相水泵电机的软启动和变频调速,运行切换采用“先启先停”的原 则。压力传感器检测当前水压信号,送入PLC与设定值比较后进行PID运 算,从而控制变频器的输出电压和频率,进而改变水泵电机的转速来改变 供水量,最终保持管网压力稳定在设定值附近。通过工控机与PLC的连接, 釆用组态软件完成系统监控,实现了运行状态动态显示及数据、报警的査 询。
According to the requirement of Chinas urban water simply, this paper designs a set of water supply system of frcqucccy control of constant voltage based on PLC, and have developed good operation management interfece using Supervision Control and Data AcquisitiortThe system is made up of PLC, transducer,units of punps,pressure sensor and control machine and so on.
This system is formed by three pump generators,and they form the circulating run mode of frequency conversion. With general frequency converter realize for three phase pump generator soft start with frequency control,operation switch adopts the princ^le ofstart first stop first,,. The detection signal of pressure sensor of hydraulic pressure,via PLC with set value by carry out PID comparison ope ration,so,co ntro 1 frequency and the export voltage of frequency converter,and then the rotational speed that changes punp generator come to change water supply quantity,eventually,it is nearby to maintain pipe net pressure to stabilize when set value. Through work control machine the connection with PLC,with group form software consummately systematic monitoring,have realized operation state development to show and data,report to the police inquiry.
Keywords: variable frequency speed-regulating, co ns ta nt-pres s ure water supply, PLC, supervision control and data acquisition.
TOC \o 1-5 \h \z \o Current Document 1绪论 1
\o Current Document 1.1课题的提出 1
\o Current Document 1.2变频恒压供水系统的国内外研究现状 3
PLC 概述 5
\o Current Document 1.4本课题的主要研究内容 7
\o Current Document 2系统的理论分析及控制方案确定 8
\o Current Document 2.1变频恒压供水系统的理论分析 8
\o Current Document 2.2变频恒压供水系统控制方案的确
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