外研版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第四册 Unit5_Starting_out_and_Understanding_ideas_能力提升练.docx

外研版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第四册 Unit5_Starting_out_and_Understanding_ideas_能力提升练.docx

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PAGE \* Arabic 2 / NUMPAGES \* Arabic 2 Unit5 Starting out and Understanding ideas 能力提升练 Ⅰ.阅读理解 (2020河南省实验中学高二下期中) The ocean is one of the most interesting and breathtaking places on the entire planet. The ocean has witnessed a variety of disappearances and other mysteries,most of which cannot and have not been explained by modern science. Here are some interesting unsolved sea mysteries of the world. USS Scorpion In May 1968,USs Scorpion,an American submarine,departed from Norfolk,Virginia,on it sway towards the Mediterranean. The crew had almost a decade of experience,and yet the sub disappeared and broke into pieces on the sea floor. There were 99 men aboard the sub. all of whom lost their lives. Baltic Sea Sub In the later half of 2014,a mysterious vessel was spotted by Swedish citizens,many of whom described it as a Russian submarine in the Baltic sea. The military spent much time in investigating,but found no sign of the mysterious sub. Bermeja Island During the 1970s, the Bermeja Island served as a bit of a marker for Mexico and its economic zone. Around 20 years later, the island disappeared without any sign. Along with the island, numerous important documents about major oil reserves also went missing. Gulf of Mexico Shipwreck In 2001, Exxon Mobil was laying the pipeline in the Gulf of Mexico when people ran into a shipwreck around 2,600 feet under the surface. Upon exploring the shipwreck, archaeologists believed it to be a terrible spell (咒语), as something would constantly go wrong when they went down to explore. SS Edmund Fitzgerald Lake Superior is so large that it behaves like an inland ocean, including terrific storms. In November 1975, one such storm struck the vessel SS Edmund Fitzgerald, which was headed to Detroit. The Fitzgerald disappeared after communications were lost. A week later, a sonar ship found the vessel 500 feet under the water. nobody was found, though. 1. Why does the author think of USS Scorpion as a mystery? A. Because 99



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