CCSS Code 2020 加勒比货船安全规范.pdf

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CODE OF SAFETY FOR CARIBBEAN CARGO SHIPS (Cargo Ships less than 500 GT) CCSS CODE (Re、,i sion 6 - October 2-020) CARIBBEAN MEMORAN DU M OF U NDERSTANDIN G ON PORT STATE C ON TROL FOREWORD The Code of Safety for Caribbean Cargo Ships (CCSS Code) was adopted by the Final Preparatory and Signatory Meeting on Pon State Control for the Car协bean Region on February 5 - 9, 1996. On 29 January 1997 the Caribbean Pon Stat巳 Control Committee adopted amendments to th巳 ccss Code. The Caribbean MOU adopted amendments to the CCSS Code at its Sixth M巳eting in Antigua, 5-7 March 2002. The Caribbean MOU adopted am巳ndments to the CCSS Cod巳 at Twentieth Meeting in Barbados, 17- 18 June 2015. The Caribbean MOU adopted amendments to the CCSS Code at Twenty-Third Meeting in The Cayman Islands, 26 - 29 June 2018 . The Caribbean MOU adopted amendm巳nts to the CCSS Code at the Virtual Meeting held from October 28 to 29, 2020 This publication contains a consolidated text of the CCSS Code incorporating the above amendments . ii THE CARIBBEAN TRADING AREA (CTA) ATLANTIC OCEAN - ·1·1 1 Octob巳r2020



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