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PAGE 苏州玲珑电子科技有限公司 Lldz TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD Tel:0512-、1 Fax:0512-、22 不使用有害物质保证书 Hazardous Substance Free Guarantee 本公司 (以下简称“乙方”)作为苏州玲珑电子科技有限公司(以下简称“甲方”)之供应商,确认并保证下列事项: This Agreement is made between (Company name) (including its affiliated and subsidiary companies, hereinafter referred to as Party B) and Kunshan Formula Coating Technology Co.,Ltd(hereinafter referred to as Party A),Party B will certify and assure that: 1.乙方已知悉甲方提供之「环境管理物质管理标准一览表」(见附件)﹐除非甲方另有书面要求﹐乙方保证所有交付给甲方之产品的有害物质完全符合该管理标准的规定。 Party B guarantee that the products listed in below list supplied to Party A conform to attachment [The specific chemicals containing informaition sheet] from party A, except party A put forward other literary request: 注:若贵司材料含有附件物质,请将含量注明于附件「环境管理物质标准一览表」之备注栏内。 Remark: If products have accessories, please write down the content on the Remark sheet beside [The specific chemicals containing informaition sheet]. 2.乙方生产场所、制程、原物料、生产工艺若有任何变更事项,须立即通知甲方,并提供更新后的相关检测报告。 If Party B’s manufacture location, production procedure, raw materials, production method change, Party B should notify Party A ,and supplies renewed test report. 3.乙方提供之保证书及任何检测报告,其内容完全真实,无任何误导、隐瞒及遗漏。 The content of guarantee and the test reports provided by Party B is real, without misguides, disguise and pretermission. 4.本保证书自双方签署(盖章)后生效,非经甲方书面同意,不得自行变更本合格证书。且本保证书的效力不因双方公司内部组织架构变动而受影响。 This guarantee becomes effective from the date ofboth parties signed and cannot be altered without written consent from party A. This guarantee serves as long term effectiveness will not vary by the reason of organization structure changes of both parties. 5.若有违反本保证书之条款,导致甲方受损时,乙方愿承担一切赔偿及法律责任。 Party B take legal responsibilities and should compensate to any cost caused by violating this guarantee to Party A. 6.签署人保证有权或已经获得充分授权代表公司签署此有害物质保证书。 The undersigned of bilateral parties are accredited and obtain full authorization to sign this guarantee. 7. 本保证书一式两分,甲乙双方各执一份,本保


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