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2004-12-14;迟永宁 CHI Yongning 并网技术室;大纲 Outline;1、 低电压穿越(LVRT)的概念 Concept of Low Voltage Ride Through ;什么是低电压穿越? LVRT:Low Voltage Ride Through 当电网故障或扰动引起风电场并网点的电压跌落时,在一定电压跌落的范围内,风电机组能够不间断并网运行。 Wind turbines should stay connected to the network and keep operation following voltage dips caused by short-circuit on any or all phases, where the voltage measured at the HV terminals of the grid connected transformer remains above the predefined voltage profile. 也有故障穿越的提法。FRT:Fault Ride Through;由于风电机组一般采用异步发电机技术(丹麦概念),电网发生故障时机端电压难以建立,若风电机组继续挂网运行,将会影响到电网电压无法恢复,因此,电网发生故障出现电压跌落时,一般都是采取切除风电机组的方法来处理。 Induction machine is usally used in Denmark Concept Wind Turbines, the active exciting can not be provided by. The voltage can not be recovered if the wind turbine still keep operating so the wind turbine must be tripped in case of voltage dips during the grid fault. ; ;风电装机比例较低时: 可以允许风电场在电网发生故障及扰动时切除,不会引起严重后果。 The wind penetration is low The trip of wind farm (wind trubine) during power grid disturbances can be acceptable. It‘s not a big problem to the power system.;风电装机比例较高时: 高风速期间,由于输电网故障引起的大量风电切除会导致系统潮流的大幅变化甚至可能引起大面积的停电,而带来频率的稳定问题。 低电压穿越能力是必需的 The wind penetration is high Large scale wind farm ( wind turbine ) tripping will cause load flow changing violently even power system blackout. The frequecy stability issue is the most concern because the power losses could lead to instability. LVRT is necessary.;高风电穿透功率情况下,故障导致的电压跌落更为严重。 Voltage dips will be more severe during high wind penetration;2008 BaiCheng Power Grid Single Line Diagram;电网故障电压跌落曲线 Voltage dips under power system disturbances;系统中某节点电压跌落的严重程度与 此节点距离故障点的电气距离远近 此节点固有的无功电压支撑能力 风电功率的高低 密切相关 The voltage dip extent of specific busbar have closely related with Electrical distance to the fault location Voltage support capability of the specific busbar Wind Power output ;电网发生电压跌落对风电机组的影响 机械、电气功率的不平衡影响机组稳定运行 暂态过程导致发电机中出现过流,可能损坏器件 附加的转矩、应力可能损坏机械部分 The impact on wind turbine of voltage dips Unbanlance


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