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迪奥香奈儿英语归纳介绍第1页/共23页第2页/共23页company nameDior 's name" Dior" is the French word for" God" and" gold" combination. In his name brand Christian Dior (CD ), since its inception in 1947, has been the gorgeous and elegant pronoun. Whether fashion, cosmetics or other products, CD has been hung from the top of the fashion house. CD inherit the traditional French is advanced female, always maintain the advanced luxuriant design line, to meet the society mature female aesthetic taste, symbolizing the French fashion culture of the Supreme spirit.第3页/共23页historyChristian DiorBorn :21 January 1905 Granville, Manche, France Died: 23 October 1957 (aged 52) Montecatini Terme, Tuscany, Italy Nationality: French Occupation: Fashion designer Labels: Christian Dior 第4页/共23页historyFirst fashion collection in 1947Name: "new look"Become famous 第5页/共23页2461989年-1996年Gianfranco Ferre 詹弗兰科·费雷1957年-1960年Yves Saint Laurent 伊夫·圣罗兰 2012年至今??Raf?Simons 拉夫西蒙5131946年-1957年 Christian?Dior克里斯汀·迪奥1960年-1989年Marc Bohan 马克·博昂 1996年-2012年John Galliano 约翰·加利亚诺 designers第6页/共23页product offeredperfumeIn 1947, Christian Dior founded the new perfume called Miss Dior, is a kind of plant green chypre. 第7页/共23页product offeredhandbagClassic style, a new color and fabric treatment process, let Dior 2012 spring and summer series handbags as many packet control who must have perfect product. 第8页/共23页product offeredwatch Dior watch gradually begins to change direction, and strive to develop into a professional watch company.第9页/共23页Fashion show第10页/共23页C’s world第11页/共23页 Coo and her chanelGabrielle Chanel, founder of the House of Chanel, began her fashion career in 1910. She heralded new designs and revolutionized the fashion industry by going “back to basics,” incorporating elegance, class, and originality.Under her tight reign from 1909-1971, Gabrielle Chanel held the title as ‘Chief Designer’ until her death on January 10, 1971.第12页/共23页 quotation She says. A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.


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