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瑞士中英文介绍第1页/共39页 Contents1------ Country?profile2------ People?profile3------ Theoretical?overviewWELL DONE4------?Business culture第2页/共39页 Contents01-----History 02-----Geography03-----Climate WELL DONE第3页/共39页 HistoryGeographyEconomyThe flag of Switzerland consists of a red square with a white cross in the centre . White symbolizes peace, justice and a bright, red symbolizes the peoples victory, happiness and enthusiasm; the entire pictorial of the flag symbolizes the unity of the nation. In 1889 . the original red rectangle flag was changed into a square one, which symbolizes diplomatic policy of impartiality and neutrality of Switzerland. 白色象征和平、公正和光明,红色象征着人民的胜利、幸福和热情;国旗的整组图案象征国家的统一。这面国旗在1889曾作过修改,把原来的红地白十字横长方形改为正方形,象征国家在外交上采取的公正和中立的政策。 第4页/共39页 HistoryGeographyEconomyIn April 2015, Switzerland was found to be the ‘happiest’ country in the world in the third annual World Happiness Report. It has the highest nominal wealth per adult in the world according to Credit Suisse and the eighth-highest per capita gross domestic product on the IMF list.national flagnational emblem2015年四月,瑞士被评为世界上最幸福的国家,在第三年度的《世界幸福报告》中。根据瑞士信贷和最高人均国内生产总值在国际货币基金组织第八的排名,它的成人最高名义财富是世界上最高的。第5页/共39页 HistoryGeographyEconomyAround 1000 AD. in the Roman era,it is a part of the Holy Roman Empire. 十一世纪起为神圣罗马帝国一部分。1291 .8 .1 The precursor of modern Switzerland established a protective alliance , forming a loose confederation of states(the beginning of Switzerland) . 1291 年8月 1日, 几个州签约为永远联邦,是瑞士建国的开始。In 1648, European countries recognized Switzerland’s independence from the Holy Roman Empire and its neutrality. 1648年,欧洲国家公认瑞士从神圣罗马帝国获得独立以及其中立性。 第6页/共39页 HistoryGeographyIn 1815, in the Congress of Vienna fully re-established Swiss independence and the European powers agreed to permanently Swiss neutrality .since then ,Switzerland was always neutral during the international wars even in the two world wars. So far it is not a member of European Union . 1815年在维也纳会议上,瑞士被定为永久中立国


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