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二人旅游计划英语情景对话 Introduction 在这段情景对话中,有两个人正在计划他们未来的旅游。他们决定去一个国家度假,但他们还没有决定去哪里。这个对话的目的是让他们商量旅游计划并决定去哪里。 Situation Lily和Tom是两个好朋友,他们都想去度假。他们正在商量去哪个国家度假。Lily提出去意大利,而Tom则认为意大利过于昂贵,建议去希腊。 Dialogue Lily: Hi Tom, have you thought about where we should go for our holiday? Tom: Hi Lily, yes I have. I was thinking about Greece. How about you? Lily: Oh, I was thinking more about Italy. Why do you want to go to Greece? Tom: Well, firstly, Greece is much cheaper than Italy, and also, I’ve heard that the beaches are beautiful. What do you think about Greece? Lily: Hmm, I’m not sure. I really want to see the Coliseum in Rome, and the architecture in Italy is amazing. But I suppose we could go to Greece for a change. Tom: Exactly, we could also go island hopping in Greece, and we might even be able to go kayaking and try some Greek food. Lily: That does sound like fun. How long do you think we should go for? Tom: I was thinking about 10 days. That way we can explore a few islands and also have some time for relaxation. Lily: Ok, that sounds good. What’s the weather like in Greece in September? Tom: September is actually one of the best times to visit Greece. The temperature is around 25 degrees Celsius and it’s not too busy with tourists. Lily: That’s perfect. Ok, let’s go to Greece then. Can you start looking for flights and accommodation? Tom: Sure, I’ll start looking for flights and hotels today. Do you have a budget in mind? Lily: Hmm, I was thinking around $1000 for the whole trip. Is that enough? Tom: I think we can definitely make that work. We can look at budget accommodation and also try to find some good deals on flights. Lily: Great, I can’t wait. This is going to be an amazing holiday! Tom: I know, it’s going to be so much fun. I can’t wait to explore Greece with you. Conclusion 在这段情景对话中,Lily和Tom商量了他们的旅游计划并决定了去希腊度假。他们商量了行程时间、费用预算和活动计划,并决定以便宜的方式去。这段对话展示了如何应对关于旅游计划的商量和决策。


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