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将 as soon as so ...that…. too… to… such…that.. unless 选到正确的句子里 I get to Beijing, Ill write to you. he comes back, please let me know. 3.I will call you I arrive in Beijing.4.Hewasexcited he couldnt arrive in Beijing. 4. He was This teacher is we all like him kind He ran quickly we all couldnt catch up with him This is a book reading it . 8.He has interesting we all enjoy many books I cant count them This is book reading it an interesting we all enjoy There was much food it all 11.I have we couldnt eat little money I cannot afford a car He is student him. He is student him. It was a good we all like good a we all like bad weather he had to stay at home. Ive had many falls Im black and blue all over You will miss the bus you hurry up. You’ll fail in English again harder. 18. you work you get up early, you will miss the bus . 19. it is sunny ,we will go to the zoo . 20.The box is carry .  heavy My mom came over I sat in front of the TV . The boy is  young go to school . I got to the bus stop ,the bus started . we do ,we won’t find our way out . he can hide his tail ,he can ’t make himself a human . you come here , you should call me . 27.Please call me up you get to Beijing . 28.The camera is expensive for me afford it . 29.Lina is  famous all his funs love her very much . 30. you study hard ,you will fail the exam .


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