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典范英语课程4b Lesson 6scarecrow
rice cropsscarecrow
Imitated ReadingEyes on your bookEars to listenFinger to pointMouth to read out
Fast ReadingMum helped the children make a _________.scarecrowIn the adventure, the children _____________ scarecrows.danced with
Part 1Before the adventureWho planted seeds and put in plants in the garden?Biff and Chip planted seeds and put in plants in the garden.
Part 3After the adventureWhat did they do after the adventure?They made a girl scarecrow.
Words Learning单词---开启语言学习的钥匙
1他们种了些种子和植物。2他们啄了植物。9稻草人活过来了。10在小路上,他们看到了一些稻草人。10Fred 向他们挥手。11一个稻草人指向一个谷仓。14乐队开始奏乐。15他们和一些稻草人一起跳舞。15我告诉过你。Useful Phrases
1他们种了些种子和植物。2他们啄了植物。9稻草人活过来了。10在小路上,他们看到了一些稻草人。1They planted seeds and the put in plants.2They pecked the plants.9The scarecrow came to life.10There were some scarecrows in the lane.Useful Phrases
10Fred 向他们挥手。11一个稻草人指向一个谷仓。14乐队开始奏乐。15他们和一些稻草人一起跳舞。15我告诉过你。10Fred waved at them.11A scarecrow pointed to a barn.14The band began to play.15They all danced with the scarecrows.15I told you so.Useful Phrases
Spell the wordsShort Vowel WordsMixed Wordsdancebandplantpeckfunwithwavelaneaaseedlifeeeitoldbarnoldareee
Syllables and wordsaliveaīealivescarecrowareowscarecrow
种子seed栽种,花木plant啄peck稻草人scarecrow活的alive空中air小路lane挥手wave谷仓barn乐队bandWhat’s the meaning of the words?
种子seed稻草人scarecrow小路lane乐队band和谁跳舞dance with栽种plant活的alive挥手wave...活过来...come to life这很好玩。This is fun.啄peck空中air谷仓barn过来come on我告诉过你。I told you so.Game: Catch the words
Talk with your partnersWhat happened with the field?What idea did they have?
Why did the children make a girl scarecrow?
Put the sentences in right order1234561They made a scarecrow.2Some birds pecked the plants in the garden.3The scarecrow Fred came to life.4Biff and Chip put plants and seeds in the garden.5Fred took Biff and Chip to a barn dance.6They made a girl scarecrow.
Key Phrases Extensioncome to life变成真的了point towave at向......挥手dance withThe scarecrow came to life.A scarecrow pointed to a barn.Fred waved at th
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