
典范英语4b Lesson1Camping Adventure课件.pptx

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典范英语课程4b Lesson 1Camping Adventure moisture padsleeping bagtent防潮垫torchropeHere are somethings commonly used in camping.What are these?Let’s guess Where is he sleeping?He is sleeping in the cliff. Where will you sleep when you go camping? Fast Reading找出暴风雨来临前中后的人物心情变化How did they feel?pleasedupsethappy 模仿朗读动用“四官”的高效语言学习方法!想要说一口流利的英文吗?让我们从模仿朗读开始!Imitated ReadingEyes on your bookEars to listenFinger to pointMouth to read out Part 1Listen and readWho went camping?Wilma’s family went camping. Part 2Listen and readWhat was the weather like at night?There was a storm. Part 3Listen and readWho has had a baby boy?Mrs. Jones has had a baby boy. Words Learning单词---开启语言学习的钥匙 1妈妈和爸爸去野营。3他必须要挤牛奶。4Mrs. Jones要生宝宝了。8大风把帐篷刮倒了。11暴风雨越来越糟了。12Jones先生打电话求助。12“一架直升飞机正在赶过来 ,”他说。13Jones先生指着一块地。14他们制作了一个大十字,他们把石头放在袋子上。15它降落在十字附近。 Useful Phrases 1妈妈和爸爸去野营。3他必须要挤牛奶。4Mrs. Jones要生宝宝了。8大风把帐篷刮倒了。11暴风雨越来越糟了。1Mum and Dad went camping.3He had to milk the cows.4Mrs. Jones was expecting a baby.8The wind blew the tent down.11The storm got worse.Let’s check! 12Jones先生打电话求助。12“一架直升飞机正在赶过来 ,”他说。13Jones先生指着一块地。14他们制作了一个大十字。15它降落在十字附近。 12Mr. Jones called for help.12“A helicopter’s coming,” he said.13Mr. Jones pointed to a field.14They made a big cross.15It landed near the cross.Let’s check! Spell the wordsShort Vowel WordsMixed Wordsgettenthelphadmilkputstoneblowoowedowncowowowcallworseallorpointfieldoiie campingSyllables and wordsaicampingexpect??expecthelicopter???erhelicopter 帐篷tent直升机helicopter石头stone起床get up支起来put up 把…刮倒blow…down 指着point to 田地field挤牛奶milk the cows求助call for help Right WordLeft WordThe Word Words Game视觉记忆训练Rules: When you see this sign, you have to say the right words. And this sign means you have to say the…(left word) This square means you have to say THE word. 野营camping帐篷tent期待expect直升机helicopter石头stone田地field每天every day支起来put up起床get up把…刮倒blow…down指着point to不得不have to挤牛奶milk the cows变得更糟糕get worse求助call for help 小小朗读王,语音我最强! True OR FalseTMr. Jones milks the cows every d


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