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续写中的描写(二) 人物形象的塑造 续写中人物形象的塑造 动作描写 场景描写 外貌描写 心理描写 语言描写 一、通过动作描写塑造人物形象 动作描写是指对人物的动作、行为和活动的描写,是刻画人物的重要方法之一,是表现人物情绪、反映人物性格及塑造人物形象的主要手段。 体现人物特点、符合生活实际、关联主题 高兴、悲伤、惊恐、犹豫、无聊、好奇、愤怒、疲惫 (一)高兴 She danced with delight and passion, thinking of nothing, in the achievement of her beauty and in the glory of her success. He gave a jump in the air, twirled, ran a few steps, stopped, looked all around, sniffed the smells of afternoon, and then set off walking down through the orchard. Pausing in the shade of an apple tree, he put his strong snout into the ground and began pushing, digging, and rooting. He felt very happy. example 1: 用跳舞来表现 example 2:用一连串动作来表现 他先是蹦跶了一下,原地转了几圈,再跑上几步,又停了下来,四下望了望,嗅了嗅午后暖洋洋的空气,然后一路小跑进了果园。…… (二)悲伤 example 1:用声音低沉,流泪来表现悲伤 Later, in the dark, after the movie had started, I heard Hassan next to me, croaking. Tears were sliding down his cheeks. example 2: 用哭泣来表现悲伤 Dorothy began to sob at this, for she felt lonely among all these strange people. Her tears seemed to grieve the kindhearted Munchkins, for they immediately took out their handkerchiefs and began to weep also. tears well up in my eyes, eyes began to water, face was wet with tears, burst into tears, tears sprang to his eyes, be close to tears, tears flow out of ones eyes, with tears beginning to flow, with tears in ones eyes (三)惊恐 example 1:用身体不自觉后退来表现 Even as I was digging into my pocket to get out my revolver I made a running step back. But, at the noise I made, the snake let himself flow easily across the sand like the dying spray of a fountain, and, in no apparent hurry, disappeared, with a light metallic sound, among the stones. example 2:用猛跳着站起来表现 I jumped to my feet, completely thunderstruck. I blinked my eyes hard. I looked carefully all around me. And I saw a most extraordinary small person, who stood there examining me with great seriousness. example 3:用不敢动弹来表现 I was too frightened to move, but two big girls pushed me towards him. Miss Temple whispered kindly in my ear, “Dont be afraid, Jane.



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