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基于Java的货物库存管理系统 摘要 基于Java的货物库存管理系统是一款智能化的库存管理软件,旨在帮助企业实现对库存货物、采购、出库和分类等信息的全面管理和优化,提高库存利用率和管理效率,降低企业成本,提高企业竞争力。该系统采用Java语言和其他相关技术进行开发,主要功能模块有货物管理模块、采购管理模块、出库管理模块、货物分类管理模块、报表分析模块。 随着企业规模的扩大和信息化的发展,传统的手工管理已经无法满足企业的需求,需要一款智能化的库存管理软件来提高管理效率和降低成本。该系统的目的是为企业提供一款全面、智能化的库存管理解决方案,帮助企业实现对库存的全面管理和优化,提高企业的管理效率和竞争力。 关键词:货物库存;管理系统;JAVA;MYSQL A Goods Inventory Management System Based on Java ABSTRACT The Java based inventory management system for goods is an intelligent inventory management software designed to help enterprises achieve comprehensive management and optimization of inventory, procurement, outbound, and classification information, improve inventory utilization and management efficiency, reduce enterprise costs, and enhance enterprise competitiveness. The system is developed using Java language and other related technologies, with main functional modules including cargo management module, procurement management module, outbound management module, cargo classification management module, and report analysis module. With the expansion of enterprise scale and the development of informatization, traditional manual management can no longer meet the needs of enterprises, and an intelligent inventory management software is needed to improve management efficiency and reduce costs. The purpose of this system is to provide enterprises with a comprehensive and intelligent inventory management solution, helping them achieve comprehensive inventory management and optimization, and improving their management efficiency and competitiveness. Key words: Inventory of goods; Management system; JAVA; MYSQL 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 10723 摘要 I 10230 ABSTRACT II 10412 1 绪论 1 22119 1.1 选题背景与意义 1 7050 1.2 国内外研究现状 1 1879 2 关键技术 3 24515 2.1 开发工具 3 23223 2.1.1 intellij IDEA 3 5662 2.1.2 MYSQL 3 29775 2.2 技术介绍 3 10492 2.2.1 Spring boot 3 23526 2.2.2 Mybatis-Plus 4 21575 2.2.3 Shiro 4 27639 2.2.4 Freemarker 5 17887 2.2.5 Swagger 5 10987 2.2.6 Ehcache 5 25197 3 系统需求分析 7



