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精彩回顾 市一检成长感悟类 Tom was shocked when he saw his parents appear at the ceremony hall.Hesitating for a moment, Tom’s father told him everything that happened many years ago.Tom started to dislike his mom more. He always felt unpleasant to see his moms face. But what he did not know was that his mom scratched her beauty to save him from a fire when he was one year old. Not wanting to burden him with it, Toms parents kept it a secret. He felt awkward to see his mom with that scarred face standing in front of the school gate. Story MountainThree years later, then came Toms graduation ceremony. His parents didn’t want to be absent from such an important occasion, so they managed to be there without informing Tom.angryexplainregretchange情感线Theme: love 续写情节构想(inference)Q1: How did Tom feel? Q2: What would Tom do?Q3: What did the father and mother do? Para 1:Tom was shocked when he saw his parents appear at the ceremony hall.Para 2: Hesitating for a moment, Tom’s father told him everything that happened many years ago. Q1: What did the father tell him?Q2: What was Tom’s feeling?Q3: How did Tom react? Tom was shocked when he saw his parents appear at the ceremony hall. He stood rooted to the floor for a moment ,not knowing what to do . Seconds later, he tried to contain himself and awkwardly walked up to greet his father ,ignoring his mothers existence. But when he heard others whispering about his mums ugly face embarrassment came over him. With anger written all on his face, he pushed his mum hard out of the hall . Seeing Toms mum leave with deep sorrow. his father followed them out. Hesitating for a moment, Tom’s father told him everything that happened many years ago. His mum got burnt severely to save him in a terrible fire . Tears streamed down his face when he recollected how much he had hurt her all these years. how he had ignored her and he realized the amount of pain and agony she had gone through. After the ceremony, he found his mum and embraced


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