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外研版三年级起四年级上册 Module 9 Unit 1 Are you going to run on sports day? (教学设计修改稿) 一、教学目标 1.95%的学生能借助单词卡片、 动画等听说、 认读并理解词汇或短语: sports day,win,month, 100metres,every day,good luck,come on 。 2. 90%的学生能在情景、 文本动画中听、 说、认读句型: Are you going to run on sports day?, Yes/ No , I m going to ...。 3. 通过对填写运动项目调查表活动, 90%的学生能运用句型 “Are you going to... ? “ Yes/ No , m going to …”进行交流与调查。10%-15% 的学生能在小组或老师帮助下运用句型。 4. 了解世界上一些主要的体育活动,拓展学生视野。 二、教学重难点 教学重点 1. 能够听说、认读、理解本课重要词汇及句型。 2. 能运用本课功能句型进行交流。 教学难点 1. 理解词汇中 month, every day 及正确运用“ Are you going to...?” “ Yes/No,Im going to... ” 2. 学生积极主动参与活动,能大方地用英语进行交流。 三、教学准备 课件、卡片、调查表、评价表、贴画 四、教学过程 、Step 1 Warm-up 出示自我评价表,明确今天对自己的学习要求 妊左: 讦枷 ★ ★ ★ ★ 足苦龍远須认站- 备、埠圭心草熒上 1•出示我校运动会图片,提问: Do you kn ow this activity?引入:This is our school sports day. Lear n the phrase sports day 2•引出课题: Were going to learn M9U1Are you going to run on sports day? “(板书课题) 3•出示运动会颁奖图片, 提问:Who is the winner? The boy wins on the sports day,so he is the winner. Learn the word: win 4•欣赏几种运动会图片。 二、Step 2 Lead-in 1. We know so many sports day”he ani mals are going to have a sports day. Lethave a look! 2. Cha nt:Are you going to ? 让学生先听,再引领学生跟随音乐一起 cha nt。 3. 提问学生 Are you going to run/swim/jump on sports day? 引导学生回答,相机板书。 三、 Step 3 Presentation 1. 弓丨:Daming class is going to have a sports day too.Lewatch the viedo,then answer the question: Is Daming going to run on sports day? ① Watch the viedo。 ② Ask student to answer the question 。 ③ Learn the phrase: 100 metres (图片对比理解) ④ Read the sentences of picture2 and picture3 2. T: What is Daming going to do for sports day? ① Listen and repeat( picture1 —picture4)。 ② Ask student to answer the question 。 ③ Learn the phrase:every day (结合日历理解) ④ Read the senten ces of picture3 and picture4 弓: Because theyre going to have a sports day this month,so Daming is going to run every day. Learn the word:month (结合日历理解) 3. Who is the winner? ① Read the text. ② Ask student to answer the question。 ③ 学习Good luck! Come on!(借助图片理解) 4. Consolidation Listen to the CD a


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