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the Princess Diaries Mia(Anne Hathaway)play the lead in the flima socially awkward(笨拙的,不灵活的) but very bright 15-year-old girllives in San Francisco with her motherPrincess of a small European country-Genovia Queen Clarisse Renaldi (Julie Andrews)Mia’s grandmaQueen of Genoviawhile Mia contemplates(深思,沉思)her future,her grand-ma insists on turning her from a social misfit(不合适) to a lady fit for the throne(王位). Joe(Hector Elizondo)bodyguard of Mia and her grandmawhen Mia is upset,he always give some guidance,and he help Mia succeed to the throne(王位)special relationship with Queen Lily(Heather Matarazzo )Mia`s best friendfunny girlthe sense of humour Michael(Robert Schwartzman )Lily`s elder brotherhe loves Mia,but nobody knows Princess lessons Genovia’s annual Independence Day ball Film Dubbing Courage is not theabsence of fear but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all.   勇气并不是没有恐惧,而是有比恐惧更重要的判断。勇敢的人不会长生不老,但是谨小慎微的人根本无法生存。    To be a princess,you have to believe that you are a princess. Youve got to walk the way youthink a princess would walk. So, you gotta think tall you gotta smile and wave,and just have fun.   要想成为公主,你得相信自己就是一个公主。你应该像你所想象中的公主那般为人处世。另外,你得高瞻远嘱,从容不迫,笑对人生。 Thank you for watching O(∩_∩)O~ I wish that one day you will find the person who can see you when you are invisible.


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