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物业管理与服务关系研究 毕业设计(论文) 物业管理与服务关系研究 院 ,系,: 工商管理学院 学生姓名: xxx 专业班级: 08物业管理,1,班 学 号: 2008503106 指导教师: xxx 2011 年 5 月 31 日 0 毕业设计(论文) 摘 要 近些年来,我国的房地产经济蓬勃发展,住房商品化步伐的加快,人们对生活质量要求的不断提高,种种因素为物业管理这一新兴行业带来了巨大的发展空间。物业管理的作用也不仅在于提高人们的居住、生活质量和城市现代化管理的水平,同时在改善城市基础建设、促进房地产产业的健康发展和创造就业机会等方面起到了巨大的作用。由此可见其产生的社会效益、经济效益和环境效益不容忽视。在中国,物业管理这一行业被公认为是“朝阳产业”。物业管理与服务的关系愈加密切。物业管理的核心是服务,服务是物业管理企业的生命线。服务的优劣是物业管理企业生死存亡的关键,也是评判物业管理企业好差高下的主要标准。因此,服务的创新是物业管理企业创新的基础和前提。 本文在对物业管理服务在物业管理过程中的重要性基础上,分析了物业管理与服务之间存在的关系,结合我国总体物业管理行业服务水平的要求,提出了创新服务的相应对策。 关键词:物业管理 ;服务 ; 研究 ;关系 1 毕业设计(论文) Abstract In recent years, Our real estate economy is booming, Our real estate economy is booming, The quality of life continually improves, The factors for property management of this new industry was a great space for development. Our real estate economy is booming, In improving the urban infrastructure, promoting the healthy development of real estate industry and create employment opportunities has played an enormous role. hence its social and economic and environmental benefits to be neglected. in china, the realty management of the industry was acclaimed as a rising industry. property management and service between more and more closely. the property management is at the core of services, the service is the lifeblood of the realty management enterprise. Service of the realty management enterprise survival is the key, the realty management enterprise good judgment of the main criterion. therefore, the service of the realty management enterprise innovation innovation is based and premises. This article in property management services in the property management process of analysing the basis of property management and service there, combined with the general service level of property management industry and innovative vices for the corresponding countermeasures. ser 【Keyword】property management; service; research; relation. 2 毕业设计(论文) 目录 摘 要 ....................................................................


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