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Unit 1
Text Ⅰ
1suburb [5sQbE:b] n. a usually residential area or community outlying a city郊区
2apply [E5plai] v. a) to request or seek assistance, employment, or admission提出申请:apply for a visa申请签证;b) to put to or adapt for a special use应用,把…应用于:She applies all her money to her mortgage.她将她所有的钱都用来付抵押贷款。c) to cause to work hard or with careful attention专心于:He applied himself to his new job.【扩展】application( n. 申请;应用)/ applicable( adj. 可应用的)/ applicant( n. 申请者)/ applied( adj. 应用的,实用的)
3degree [dI5^ri:] n. a title given by a univeity学位:the degree of Master of Arts文学硕士学位
4slim [slim] adj. a) small in quantity or amount微小的,微薄的:slim chances of success很小的成功机会;b) small in girth or thickness in proportion to height or length苗条的,修长的
5summon [5sQmEn] v. to call together; convene召集;召唤:The general summoned all his office.将军把所有的军官召集在一起。
6interview [5intEvju:] n. a formal meeting in peon, especially one arranged for the assessment of the qualificatio of an applicant面试
7awkward [5C:kwEd] adj. a) causing difficulty, embarrassment or inconvenience造成困难、尴尬或不便的:an awkward series of bends in the road路上一连串难走的弯;b) embarrassed尴尬的,难为情的:an awkward remark令人窘迫的评论
8dreary [5driEri] adj. boring, dull单调乏味的:dreary tasks枯燥的任务
9gabled [`^eIbld] adj. having one or more gables有山墙的:a gabled house有山墙的房子
10 sash-window框格窗,上下拉动的窗a window coisting of two frames that you open by sliding one up or down, behind or in front of the other
11gravel [5^rAvEl] n. small stones, used to make a surface for paths, roads etc砂砾
12evergreen [5evE^ri:n] adj. peist and remain green throughout the year常青的,常绿的:There is a small evergreen shrub on the hillside.山腰上有一小块常绿灌木丛。
13shrub [FrQb] n. a small bush with several woody stems灌木
14survive [sE5vaiv] v. to live or peist through从困境中活过来或挺过来:These plants that can survive frosts.这些植物能够历经寒霜而存活。
15fume [fju:m] n. vapor, gas, or smoke, especially if irritating, harmful, or strong尤指有害、浓烈或难闻的气体或烟:She felt sick from breathing in paint fumes.她因吸入油漆气味而感到恶心。
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