新概念英语第三册 精品课件-Lesson 42 Modem cavemen.pptxVIP

新概念英语第三册 精品课件-Lesson 42 Modem cavemen.pptx

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Lesson 42 Modem cavemen;contents;Part 1 Warming up;Part 2 Words and;New Words;New Words;New Words;New Words;caveman;pot-holing;solitude;solitude n. 独处 You can’t hear your thoughts without solitude.没有独处,是不可能听到自己思想的声音。 sol- 孤单 solely 仅仅,只 solitary 独居的 solo 独唱,独奏 soloist 独奏者,独唱者;lonely;alone;isolation;separation;separate;privacy;private;lure;lure n./v. 引诱 不可抵抗的诱惑 (好的或坏的attract, attempt) lure sb. into doing sth. 引诱某人做某事 He was lured into the job by the offer of a high salary. The cake lured a little kid into coming near.;lure;entice;tempt;attract;bait;fascinate;rambler;undertaking;foresight;prevision;foretell;predict;chasm;chasm 深沟,深坑 There is a chasm between the mountain.鸿沟,差距 There will always be a chasm between rich and poor.;gap;gorge;flaw;distinguished;distinguished;wade;wade;gear;gear n. 全套装备 the camping gear野营装备 the riot gear防暴装备 trendy gear时髦装备;inflatable;rubble;insistent;boom;waterspout;cleft;stalagmite石笋;stalactite石钟乳;limestone;glisten;eerie;dome;dimly adv. 朦胧地,光线弱地(vaguely) She found herself in a dimly lit room.她发现自己在一个光线微弱的房间。 He was only dimly aware of the risk. 他还不清楚这个危险。;nature 自然 the closeness of nature人性human nature 种类(type/kind) The advice she provides is chiefly of a practical nature.;tunnel n. 隧道 v. 开辟隧道 A tunnel was to be blasted through the mountains.一条隧道要被炸开,穿山而过。 They will tunnel under the river or build a bridge over it.他们将要在河底开辟隧道或者在河上架一座桥。;Part 3 Notes on text;1. Cave exploration, or pot-holing, as it has come to be known, is a relatively new sport. Perhaps it is the desire for solitude or the chan making an unexpected discovery that lures people down to the depths of the earth. 洞穴勘查(或洞穴勘探)是一项比较新的体育活动。寻求独处的愿望或寻求意外发现的机会的欲望吸引人们来到地下深处。;语法专项:as 引导定语从句 As做关系代词引导定语从句,可以指代一整句话,放在句首或句中。 As is known to all, Beijing is a city with three-thousand-year history Beijing is a city with three-thousand-year history, as is know to all As/which在句末,若有否定as错; The result of the experiment was very good, we hadnt expected A. when B. that C. which D. as;句首只能用as,还有认知猜


