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(最新整理)annebradstreet;Anne Bradstreet; Anne Bradstreet;Introduction:;Life experience:;Emigration;In 1632, Anne had her first child, Samuel, in Newe Towne. Despite poor health, she had eight children in her life. Having previously been afflicted with?smallpox(天花)?as a teenager in England, Anne would once again fall prey to(深受…之害) illness as paralysis (麻痹)overtook her joints in later years. In the early 1640s, Simon once again pressed his wife, pregnant with her sixth child, then they move?to Andover Parish and resided in the Old Center of?North Andover.;On July 10, 1666, their?North Andover?family home burned in a fire that left the Bradstreets homeless and with few personal belongings. By then, Anne‘s health was slowly failing. She suffered from?tuberculosis?(肺结核)and had to deal with the loss of cherished relatives. ;;Nature was a large part of life during the Puritan era because the society relied on nature to provide for the people. ;Major works:;Major works:;Major works:;Major works:;Major works:;This is a love poem wrote by Anne Bradstreet. She dictated by her emotion which was such great love for her husband, that she wished their love will be honored even after their death. Usually in the earlier writers, majority of the poems, describing the love, were wrote by masculine. So the existing of Anne became extraordinarily occasion time that a woman proving the love to her husband. ;Summary:;The Bradstreet Gate at Harvard ;Bradstreet Gate的两侧各有一块石匾,右侧一块(上图)刻着Anne Dudley Bradstreet的一句话:“I came into this Country, where I found a new World and new manners at which my heart rose.”(大意:我来到了这片土地,在这里发现了一个崭新的世界和找到了全新的生活方式,在这里我的心灵之花得以盛开。) ;If we had no winter , the spring would not be so pleasant, if we did not something tastes of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome. ----Anne Bradstreet 如果没有冬天,春天不会如此怡人;如果不偶尔遭逢不幸,幸福便不会如此甜蜜。 ---安妮 布拉德斯特里特;Thanks for li


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