人教PEP版五年级英语下册Unit 5 Whose dog is it.pptx

人教PEP版五年级英语下册Unit 5 Whose dog is it.pptx

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Unit 5 Whose dog is it?B Read and write Warm upLet’s sing 唱一唱 Warm upLook and say 看一看,说一说The______is________.birdflying Warm upLook and say 看一看,说一说The______is________.giraffeeating Warm upLook and say 看一看,说一说The______is________. tigersleeping Warm upLook and say 看一看,说一说The______is________. rabbitjumping Pre-readingLook and guess 看一看,猜一猜Where are Sarah and Robin? They are at_______.the zooRobinI‘m looking at a bear...10What are you doing here, Robin? Pre-readingRobin is excited!A.兴奋的B.害怕的 Look and guess 看一看,猜一猜RobinI‘m looking at a bear...10 While-readingRead and circle 读一读,圈一圈What animals can Robin see?He can seea bearsome rabbits,,a tiger, an elephant,a monkey,a birdand some fish. While-readingRead and answer What are the animals doing? The bear is _______.The rabbits are _______.The tiger is _______.The elephant is _______.The monkey is _______.The bird is _______.The fish is _______.dancingeatingrunningwalkingclimbingflyingswimming While-readingRead and fill 读一读,填空 What are you doing here, Robin? I’m looking at a______.I’m_______like a bear.beardancinglike:像...那样 While-readingRead and fill 读一读,填空 What are you doing here, Robin? I’m looking at the______.I’m_______like a rabbit.rabbitseating While-readingRead and fill 读一读,填空 What are you doing here, Robin? I’m looking at a______.I’m_______like a tiger.tigerrunning While-readingRead and fill 读一读,填空 What are you doing here, Robin? I’m looking at an_________.I’m_______like an elephant.elephantwalking While-readingRead and fill 读一读,填空 What are you doing here, Robin? I’m looking at a_________.I’m_______like him.monkeyclimbing While-readingRead and fill 读一读,填空 What are you doing here, Robin? I’m looking at a_________.I like ______.I want to be a ______!birdflyingbird While-readingRead and answer Can Robin swim like a fish? No,he can’t.Robin,do you want to swim like a fish?No!No!I don’t want to be a fish! 。Good to know 动物园游园须知Don’t feed animals.


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