牛津译林版2021年无锡中考英语易错题汇总(二) .pdf

牛津译林版2021年无锡中考英语易错题汇总(二) .pdf

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2021 年无锡中考英语易错题汇总(二) 一.单选 1. One person’s __________doesn’t depend on how much money he has made, but on how many contributions he has made to our country. A. experience B.value C.wealth D.career 2. __________you have tried it on, you can’t imagine how pretty the new skirt is. A. Because B.Although C.Unless D.When 3. Dr. Zhong, _______can you have your new vaccine (疫苗)ready? I’m not sure. I’m still waiting for the result of the final test. A. how soon B.how long C.how often D.how far 4. It’s reported that nine stations on Shanghai Metro Line 3 are decorated to ________scenes from Star Wars. A. require B.reduce C.remind D.represent 5. Mr. Smith’s talk on how to deal with virus worries is quite wonderful. The only pity is that I ________the first few minutes. A. miss B.will miss C.was missing D.missed 6. Going to watch Chinese Poetry Conference this Saturday? _________! will you join me? A. You there B. You bet C.You got me D.You know better 7. What did your mother say on the phone? She asked ___________when I was away from home alone. A. if I kept my mobile phone on B.that I would keep my mobile phone on C.how long I had turned on my mobile phone D.when would I turn on my mobile phone 8.It’s almost the end of the month and I haven’t started my work plan. Start now! _____________. A. Great minds think alike B.Two heads are better than one C.Better late than never D.You are never too old to learn 9. Excuse me, Miss, but may I share your table? Of course. ___________. A. Not at all B.It depends C.I don’t mind D.Be my guest 10.My grandparents had passed away before I was born, so I never got to learn what the world was like _______their eyes. A.beyond B.between C.under D.through 11.The key to


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