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一、时态讲解:现在完成时 构成:现在完成时由助动词have + 过去分词构成,助动词have 有人称和数的变化。第三人称单数用has,其余用have. 现在完成时的否定式直接在助动词后面加上 not、疑问式是把助动词提到主语之前。以study 为例,其否定式、疑问式和简单回答形式如下: 否定式 I have not (haven’t) studied…. You have not (haven’t) studied…. He has not (hasn’t) studied…. 否定疑问式 Have I not (Haven’t I) studied…? Have you not (Haven’t you) studied…? Has he not (Hasn’t he) studied…? 用法: 疑问式 Have I studied…? Have you studied…? Has he studied…? 简单回答(肯定/否定) Yes, you have. No, you haven’t. Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t. 现在完成时通常表示在说话之前已经完成的动作 或存在的状态。说话人强调的是该动作或状态对现在的结果或影响。 My daughter has just gone out. 我女儿刚出去。 I’m sure we’ve met before. 我肯定我们以前见过面。She has arrived. 她到了。 表示持续到现在的动作或状态,往往和包括现在在内的表示一段时间的状语连用, 如 recently, already, just, lately, for…, since…,yet 等。如: I haven’t heard from her these days. 这些日子我没有收到她的信。We haven’t seen you recently. 最近我们没有见到你。 They have been away for two years. 他们离开已经两年了。She has been with us since Monday. ★注意: a) since 和 for 的区别 since 后接时间点,如 1993,last term, yesterday, the time I got there for 后接一段时间,表示“长达多久”,如ten years, a while, two days 等。 Exercise: 用since 和 for 填空 Jim has been in Ireland Monday. Jill has been in Ireland three days. His aunt has lived in Australia 15 days. Mary is in her office. She has been there 7 oclock. India has been an independent country 1974. The bus is late. Theyve been waiting 20 minutes. Nobody lives in those houses. They have been empty many years. Mike has been ill a long time. He has been in hospital October. 2)表示短暂意义的动词如arrive, leave, borrow, buy, begin, start, die 等,在完成时当中不能和表示一段时间的状语连用,因为它们表示的动作不可能持续。因此,不能说: He has come here for 2 weeks. × The old man has died for 4 months. × They have left only for 5 minutes. × 以上三句话可以改为: He has been here for 2 weeks. The old man has for 4 months. They have only for 5 minutes have (has) been 和 have (has) gone的区别:表示“曾到过某地”要用 “have (has) been”; 表示“已经去某地”要用 “have (has) gone”。试比较: Where has he been? 他刚才到哪里去了?(已经回来了) Where has he gone? 他上哪儿去了?(人不在) They have been to Canad


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