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“思政小课堂”与“社会大课堂”融合实现路径探析 西安文理学院继续教育学院本科毕业论文(设计) 摘 要 高校思想政治工作的有力开展,需要将思政小课堂与社会大课堂结合起来,做到从理论性和实践性两方面的高度统一,来更好的完成高校立德树人的根本任务,也是培育德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人的重要途径。高校思政小课堂同社会大课堂在教育环境、教育资源、教育目的、面临问题、教育内容、教育效果等方面,都有着深刻的相互支持和统一的内生逻辑。两者的有机结合可以通过宏观统筹、中观主导、微观共建等路径来实现。 关键词:思政小课堂;社会大课堂;内生逻辑;实现路径 ABSTRACT To effectively carry out the ideological and political work in Colleges and universities, we need to combine the small ideological and political classroom with the large social classroom, so as to achieve a high degree of unity from both theoretical and practical aspects, so as to better complete the fundamental task of Building Morality and cultivating people in Colleges and Universities. It is also an important way to cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor. The small ideological and political classroom in Colleges and universities and the large social classroom have profound mutual support and unified endogenous logic in the aspects of educational environment, educational resources, educational purpose, problems, educational content and educational effect. The organic combination of the two can be realized through macro overall planning, meso leading and micro co construction. Key words: Ideological and political class; Social class; Endogenous logic; Implementation path 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \u 摘 要 1 ABSTRACT II 引言 1 1“思政‘小课堂同社会‘大课堂结合起来”的论述的科学内涵 1 1.1抓好思政“小课堂”的政治性与知识性,为引导学生提供强大的学理支撑 1 1.2重视社会“大课堂”的作用,让学生在实践中感悟真善美 1 1.3二者的结合是让思政课从“点名课”蜕变成“网红课”的关键 2 2创新高校思想政治理论课教学模式的路径优化 2 2.1理论扎根实际 2 2.1.1立足社会“大课堂”,把思政“小课堂”讲生动,讲活泼 2 2.1.2着眼于社会“大课堂”,提升运用理论解决实际问题的能力和水平 3 2.2实践与时俱进 3 2.2.1实践观念与时俱进 3 2.2.2建立健全实践教学体制、机制保障 3 2.3理论结合实践,实现知行合一 3 2.3.1注重理论和实践的协调配合,实现二者优势互补 3 2.3.2完善高校思想政治理论课教师队伍建设 4 3“思政小课堂”与“社会大课堂”融合的逻辑关系 4 3.1“思政小课堂”为“社会大课堂”提供理论保障 5 3.2“社会大课堂”为“思政小课堂”提供实践支撑 5 4“思政小课堂”与“社会大课堂”融合的价值意蕴 6 4.1“思政小课堂”与“社会大课堂”融合是思想政治理论教育的内在要求 6 4.2“思政小课堂”与“社会大课堂”融合是对思政课建设经验的系统总结 7 4.3“思政小课堂”与“社会大课堂”融合是新时代加强思政课程和课


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