最新三年级下英语错题本 .pdf

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最新三年级下英语错题本 ⼩学三年级第⼆学期英语易错题集(⼀) M1U2 (第⼆周) Change the patterns (按要求改变句型) 1.The apple is hard and smooth. (划线部分提问,⽤两种⽅法) . 5.I like the Moon pie. (改为⼀般疑问句,并进⾏肯定回答和否定回答)M1U3 (第四周) Fill in the blanks (⽤括号内所给词的适当形式填空) 1.Close (you)eyes. How the lemon (taste)? 2.Smell the (cake). How they (smell)? 3.There (be)some salt in the glass. 4. There (be)any toys on the table. 11.Kitty can sing .Kitty can’t dance. (两句连成⼀句) M2U1 (第五周) Fill in the blanks (读⼀读,根据句意填⼊合适的单词) 1. you like dogs? , I don’t. I like . 2. I’m in the zoo. I can see and . 3. What animals do friends like ? like pandas. 4. at the monkeys. can ride . 5. May I hats? Sure. 6. We can see all of in the park. 对划线部分提问: 2.Alice and Kitty like toy trains. 否定句: ⼀般疑问句并否定回答: 对划线部分提问: 3.My brother likes toy cars. 否定句: ⼀般疑问句并肯定回答: 对划线部分提问: 4.I have some robots. (⽤Uncle Bai 代替I) 1. What you see? I see. 2. The plant long roots. It short roots. 3. the pupils many books? No, they . 4. A frog four legs. Two frogs eight legs. 5. There some Moon bread in the supermarket. 6. Touch the pineapple. it hard? Choose and fill in the blanks (选择下列词的适当形式填空,每词限⽤⼀次)eat at do it be in 1. We want to buy some fruit. Now we are the fruit shop. 10. My brothers like sweets. (划线部分提问) brothers like? 11. The salt is six yuan. (划线部分提问) the salt ? 12. My sister can see white. (划线部分提问) can sister see ? M2U1~M2U3 Read and jydge (判断发⾳,⽤“√”或“×”表⽰)()1. plant plate ()2. hand have A. playing B. plays C. play 8. I like tiger. I don’t like lions. A. these,those B. this , these C. those, that 9. That pair of shoes red and new. A. are B. is C. has 10. Look at my trousers. new and blue. A. They’re B. It’s C. Their 11. in your hand? My red scarf. A. What B. What ‘s C. Where’s Read and write (⽤am, is, are, have, has, can的适当形式填空) 7. The bag is ten yuan. 8. Kitty can run fast with her legs. (划线提问) 期中复习 Read and fill in


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