外研版四年级英语下册 (Were you at home yesterday) 课件.pptx

外研版四年级英语下册 (Were you at home yesterday) 课件.pptx

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Module 6Unit 1 Were you at home yesterday? 教学目标 1.全体学生能理解yesterday, out, well, thanks, sun, lesson.能运用yesterday, well, thanks, sun, lesson。 2.全体学生能说:Were you at home yesterday? 3.能运用was, were询问过去的行为或事件。 warmsunny windy cold rain cloudy hot snow Game同学们一起猜一猜老师昨天在哪里?Were you ...yesterday? SentenceWas it sunny in London yesterday?Were you at home yesterday? Was it sunny yesterday? Yes,it was.Were you at home yesterday?No,I wasnt. Practise Were you at home yesterday?Yes,I was./No,I wasnt. Were you at the cinema yesterday?Yes,I was./No,I wasnt. Were you at the supermarket yesterday?Yes, I was/No,I wasnt. Were you at school yesterday?Yes,I was,/No,I wasnt. New word sun 昨天 谢谢不在家的 太阳健康的 一节课 yesterdayout wellthanklesson 板书设计Unit1 Were you at home yesterday? yesterday out well thanks sun lesson Were you ......yesterday?Yes, I was/No,I wasn’t. Was it......yesterday?Yes, it was/No, it wasn’t. Homework向家人或同伴介绍自己和小组内其他成员昨天去过的地方。 Module 6Unit 1 Were you at home yesterday? 1、能听、说、认读本课的重点单词:yesterday、out,well, thanks, sun, lesson 2、学生能学会运用句型: Were you at home yesterday? 3、感知一般疑问句的语音语调特质。教学目标 话题导入Were you at home yesterday? Were you at school?Were you at the zoo?Were you at the park yesterday?Yes, I was. Yes, I was.I was out yesterday. Listen and chant. Tom: Hello, Grandma.This is Tom.Grandma: Hello, Tom.Tom: How are you, Grandma?Grandma: Very well,thank you. And how are you? Fine, thanks.Tom: Fine, thanks.Tom: Is it sunny in London?Grandma: No, it isn’t. It’s windy.Tom: Was it sunny in London yesterday?Grandma: Yes, it was.Tom: Oh, I want to play in the sun.Tom:Were you at home yesterday?Grandma:No, I wasn’t. I was out withGrandpa for our Chinese lesson.Tom:Are you at home now?Grandma: Yes,I am. Ha ha...Listen, point and find “Was/Were....?” Was it sunny yesterday?Yes,i


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