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必修一 Unit 1 A New Start (1) 高一年级 英语;My First Day at Senior High Reading ;Objectives At the end of the class, you will be able to 1. find out the main events and feelings of Meng Hao 2. get the useful expressions like explore, curious, impression, eagerness etc. used to describe events and feelings 3. analyze the structure, storyline and emotion with information map 4. retell the story using the information map 5. share your own story about your first day at senior high; Warming up ;1. What do these students do at school? 2. How is this school different from your school?; Warming up ;Reading for main idea; What did the author write in his diary about his first day at senior high?; Which can best describe Meng Hao’s first day at senior high?; Reading for information;Sequence;Sequence;Sequence;Sequence;Sequence;Sequence;Sequence;Sequence;Sequence;Sequence;Sequence; Retelling ;Sequence;1. What is your understanding of the saying “Well begun, half done”? 2. What happened on your first day at senior high? Share your experiences and feelings with the class.; As the saying “Well begun, half done” goes, it means that if you have a good beginning, your chance of success is greatly improved. On Meng Hao’s first day at senior high, he was eager to get to know more about his new school. Although he met the challenge to introduce himself and experienced an embarrassing moment, yet as his English teacher said, “It is important to keep calm and be prepared, which will help you to make the most of time at senior high.” ;Homework;?雨水打在窗户上,发出嘀嗒,嘀嗒的声响。这天空好似一个大筛子,正永不疲倦地把银币似的雨点洒向大地。远处,被笼罩在雨山之中的大楼,如海市蜃楼般忽隐忽现,让人捉摸不透,还不时亮起一丝红灯,给人片丝暖意。 ?七月盛夏,夏婆婆又开始炫耀她的手下——太阳公公的厉害。太阳公公接到夏婆婆的命令,以最高的温度炙烤着大地,天热得发了狂,地烤得发烫、直冒烟,像着了火似的,马上要和巧克力一样融化掉。公路上的人寥寥无几,只有汽车在来回穿梭奔跑着。瓦蓝瓦蓝的天空没有一丝云彩,一些似云非云、似雾非雾的灰气,低低地浮在空中,使人觉得憋气不舒服。外面的花草树木被热得打不起精神来,耷拉着脑袋。;?为你理想的人,否则,爱的只是???在他身上找到的你的影子。 ?有时候,我们愿意原谅一个人,并不是我们真的愿意原谅他,而是我们不愿意失去他。不想失去他,惟有假装原谅他。不管你爱过多少人,不管你爱得多么痛苦或快乐。最后,你不是学会了怎样恋爱,而是学会了,怎样去爱自己。 ;?雨水打在窗户上,发出嘀嗒,嘀嗒的声响。这天空好似一个大筛子,正永


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