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新外研社高中英语必修二 Unit 5 On the road Using Language Grammar 01Learning objectives 01-ing as attributive 现在分词作定语一、现在分词作定语的位置如果是单个动词-ing形式作定语,常放在被修饰词前作前置定语;如果是动词-ing短语作定语,常放在被修饰词后作后置定语。He asked an embarrassing question. 他提了一个令人难堪的问题。The person standing at the school gate is Professor Wang. 站在学校门口的人是王教授。 二、前置与后置的比较前置:说明被修饰词的性质、特征或用途。They set up an operating table in a small temple.他们将手术台架设在一座小庙里。He may be in the reading room, for all I know. 据我所知, 他说不定在阅览室里。 后置:与被修饰的词为主动关系, 且表示正在进行的动作There were about 200 children studying in the art school. 有大约两百个孩子在这所艺术学校学习。Who is the girl talking to our English teacher?正在和我们英语老师谈话的那个女孩是谁? 01拓展成句当动词-ing形式作后置定语时,可以相当于相应的定语从句。A young man writing novels came to speak to us yesterday. A young man who writes novels came to speak to us yesterday. 一位写小说的青年昨天来和我们交谈。 三、形式和意义如果动词-ing形式与被修饰词是主动关系,就用它的主动形式, 即doing。 doing通常表示“正在做”,单个词前置,短语后置如果动词-ing形式与被修饰词是被动关系,就用它的被动形式,即being done。being done通常表示“正在被做”,常作后置定语。 The man standing there is my brother.The tall building being built now is our new school. 正在被建的高楼是我们的新学校。The question being discussed was presented by the headmaster. 正在被讨论的问题是校长提出来的。 四、其他有些动词-ing形式已经转化成形容词,常作定语,用来修饰物, 表示“令人……的”。常用的此类词有:exciting、amusing、amazing、astonishing、 shocking、puzzling、confusing、disappointing、discouraging、pleasing、striking、boring、tiring、touching、moving、interesting、satisfying、terrifying、frightening等。 That must have been a terrifying experience. 那一定是一段可怕的经历。The experiment was an amazing success. 这项试验取得了惊人的成功。 Practice句型转换 The girl sitting next to me was my cousin.=The girl      next to me was my cousin.?who was sitting单句语法填空The girl _______________(follow) her teacher into the room is Lucy’s sister.?The doctor is worried because there are so many patients _______________(


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