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instruction n.指示 had better(=’d better )最好 tool n. 工具 brush n. 刷子,画笔 glue n. 胶水 rope n. 绳索 scissors n.[复]剪刀 tape n.磁带;胶带 DIY n.自己动手做 exactly adv.确切地,精确地 stand for 代表;象征 repair vt.修补 decorate vt.装饰 instead of 而不是,代替 rose n.玫瑰(花) crazy adj.着迷的,狂热的,发疯的 be crazy about 对……着迷 terrible adj. 可怕的 once adv.曾经,一度 put in 安装 mistake n.错误,失误 make a mistake 犯错误 power cut n. 供电中断;停电 pipe n.管子,水管 fill vt.使充满 fill with 用…填充… ceiling n. 天花板 shelf n.(pl. shelves) (橱柜或书架等的)架子,搁板 whoops excl.哎呀 advise vt. vi.建议,忠告,劝告 course n.课程;过程 already adv. 已经 instead adv. 反而,却 attend vt. vi.经常去;出席 cut vt.剪下,切下,割下 sentence n. 句子 grape n. 葡萄 strawberry n. 草莓 spoon n.匙,调羹 salad n.沙拉 cream n.奶油,乳脂,霜 mix vt. vi.混合 add vt. vi.增加,补充 tip n.提示,指点 example n.例子;榜样 for example 例如 leave vt.使处于某种状态 sauce n.调味汁,酱 ham n.火腿 correct adj.正确的 certain adj.确定的 active adj.积极的,活跃的,主动的 possible adj. 可能的 tidy vi. vt. 收拾,整理 tidy up 收拾妥,整理好 secret adj.秘密的 spell vt. vi.拼写 balloon n. 气球 stick vt. vi.粘住,钉住 cover n.封面;盖子,罩 complete vt.完成 paint n.颜料 not only but also 不仅…而且…;…和…都 keep something secret 保密 finished adj. 完成 wrong adv. 错误地,不对 go wrong 弄错;犯错;(机器)出故障 cut out 剪出 furniture n. 家具 【重点短语】 写一个有关….的报告write a report on 走出家门go outside home 第一次for the first time 成长为…..grow into 在刚开始at the very beginning 一直到up to 吃竹笋和叶子eat bamboo shoots and leaves 在野外生存下来survive in the wild 在将来in the future 为皮毛/乐趣杀死它kill it for its fur/ kill for fun 砍伐树木和森林cut down trees and forests 无处容身have nowhere to live 取走take away 鼓励某人做….encourage sb to do….. 采取下列行动take the following actions 沿着另一条路跑run the other way 穿够热带雨林walk through a rainforest 保护野生动物protect wild animals 动物的饲养feeding of the animals 攻击人attack people 从水中逮鱼catch fish from the water 踩到….上step on ….. 像一家人一样生活live as a family 群居live in family groups 用它们的骨头制药make medicine from their bones 有好的视力、听力、嗅觉have good eyesight, hearing, smell 失去生存空间loss of living areas 用兽皮制成的衣服clothes made of animal fur 穿上身上看上去很可爱look lovely on….. 丧生lose one’s life 继续建路continue to build road


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