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简单英语睡前小故事五篇 在孩子的成长过程中,学习一门外语是非常重要的。而英语作为全球通用的交流工具之一,更是备受关注。如何让孩子在轻松愉快地氛围下学好英语呢?今天我们就来分享5篇适合睡前阅读的小故事,帮助孩子提高英文阅读能力和口头表达能力。 1. The Ant and the Grasshopper Once upon a time, there was an ant who worked hard all summer to store food for the winter. Meanwhile, a grasshopper spent his days singing and dancing in the sun. When winter came, the ant had plenty of food to survive while the grasshopper had nothing. Moral: Work hard now so you can enjoy later. 从前有只蚂蚁,在夏天辛勤工作存储食物以备冬天使用。与此同时,一个蝗虫则整日唱歌跳舞享受阳光。当冬天到来时,蚂蚁有足够的食物存活下去而蝗虫却什么都没有了。 寓意:现在努力工作才能享受未来生活。 2. The Tortoise and the Hare One day, a hare challenged a tortoise to a race. The hare was confident in his speed and took a nap during the race, while the tortoise kept moving slowly but steadily. In the end, the tortoise won because he never gave up. Moral: Slow and steady wins the race. 有一天,一只兔子向乌龟发起了比赛。兔子对自己的速度很有信心,在比赛中打盹了,而乌龟则缓慢但稳定地前进。最终,乌龟获胜了,因为他从未放弃。 寓意:稳扎稳打必胜无疑。 3. The Lion and the Mouse A lion caught a mouse who begged for mercy. The lion laughed at him but eventually let him go. Later on, when the lion got trapped in a hunters net, it was the mouse who came to save him by gnawing through the ropes. Moral: Even small creatures can be helpful if you treat them kindly. 一只狮子抓住了一只老鼠,并求情。狮子嘲笑他,但最终还是放过他。后来当狮子被困在一个捕猎者的网中时,正是老鼠通过啃断绳索来救他。 寓意:即使小生物也可以帮助你如果你善待它们。 4. The Boy Who Cried Wolf A boy used to trick villagers by shouting Wolf! even though there wasnt one just for fun. One day, when there really was a wolf attacking his sheep, no one believed him and the wolf killed all of them. Moral: Dont lie or people wont believe you when you tell the truth. 一个男孩经常为了娱乐而喊“狼来了!”尽管并没有。有一天,当真的有只狼攻击他的羊时,没人相信他,结果所有羊都被杀死了。 寓意:不要撒谎否则人们就不会相信你说的话。 5. The Three Little Pigs Three little pigs built houses out of straw, sticks, and bricks respectively. A big bad wolf came to blow their houses down but only succeeded with the first two pigs houses because they werent strong enough. The third pigs brick house was too sturdy for the wolf to destroy. Mo


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