英文范文《Recreational Activities》完整版.doc

英文范文《Recreational Activities》完整版.doc

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题目:Recreational Activities 要求:1. 娱乐活动多种多样 2. 娱乐好处危害 3. 依自己来说谈谈感受 范文: Recreational Activities With the dramatic development of our society and our living standard, there are a variety of recreational activities coming to our life. Some may go to KTV with their friends on weekends to get relaxed after five-day intense work. Meanwhile, others might choose to surf the internet to kill time and appreciate vast resources on the internet. Everything has two sides just like a coin, and entertainment is no exception. On the one hand, amusement activities can enrich our lives, broaden our horizon, and cultivate our mind. On the other hand, we could waste time and our mind could be contaminated if we failed to approach recreation properly. As far as college students are concerned, we are supposed to take advantage of the benefits from diverse entertainment activities. In addition, it is essential to be self-disciplined and steer clear of the adverse influences. Notes: I 用词方面 i 词汇使用: 1. intense adj. 紧张的 extreme, considerable 2. appreciate v. 欣赏enjoy 3. vast adj. 巨大的great, large, enormous 4. amusement n. 娱乐 entertainment, recreation 5. contaminate v. 污染 pollute 6. approach v. 动手处理deal with, manage 7. diverse adj. 多样的 various 8. essential adj. 必要的 necessary, vital 9. adverse adj. 不利的(★较高要求词汇) unfavorable, harmful ii 词组使用: 1. our living standard 生活水平(相当于the standard of our life) 2. a variety of 各种各样的(相当于all kinds of / various / a diversity of) 3. on weekends 在周末 4. surf the internet 网上冲浪 (相当于go online) 5. kill time 消磨时间 (与时间搭配的常用的动词还有:cut / budget / save / steal / waste / account for / charge for, etc.) 6. broaden one’s horizon 开阔眼界,长见识 7. fail to do 未能 8. be supposed to do 应该(相当于should do) 9. take advantage of 利用(同义词组是make use of) 10. steer clear of 绕开,避开(相当于avoid) II 句法、篇章结构方面 i 过渡词: meanwhile/in the meantime(表时间),and(表并列),on the one hand…on the other hand(表列举),in ad


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