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Notice and Announcement2021/6/181 A Brief Introduction:what is a notice? As an effective means of written communication, a notice gives information published by the appropriate authority. It is intended to publicize social events, to report on matters of general interest to staff, to inform staff of instructions, change of plan, new systems and regulations, and to make the staff conform to certain arrangements, etc. 2021/6/182 2021/6/183 2021/6/184 通知的组成部分通知的名称(通知的标题既可使用notice,也可使用具体名称)正文署名2021/6/185 Sometimes a notice can be as simple as: 2021/6/186 英语书面通知要带有notice或通知的具体名称字样;Announcement 是指公开或官方的口头通知;报刊或杂志上的通知也用announcement2021/6/187 How to write a notice?The heading of the notice is usually in the middle of the page, in boldfaced(粗体字的) wordsThe main information such as time, place, should be made distinct.Give the name of the person who gives the notice. Give the date when the notice is issued if necessary.2021/6/188 A notice should be: Attractive (so that people will NOTICE it) Simple and easy to read Clear and specific2021/6/189 Formatting 通知的格式1) 并列式 parallel 2)锯齿式 tooth-like 3)平行内容居中左对齐式 center mediacy4)左对齐式left aligning2021/6/1810 Sample 1)并列式:标题与顶端空一行;正文与标题之间空一行;正文与署名(如果有的话)之间空一行;署名与日期(如需要)之间一般不空行;为清晰明了,每一事项各写一段。2021/6/1811 Sample 2)锯齿式:正文每行为一具体语义内容,是通知显得清晰明了,主要适用于较短的通知。2021/6/1812 Sample 3)平行内容居中左对齐:标题居中;称谓后移四个英文空格;正文的起笔位置与称谓相同,其余的平行内容视字数多少决定其左起笔位置,且居中;署名及日期位于右下角。2021/6/1813 Sample 4)左对齐式:通知的对象,发通知的人,发通知的日期,主题等各项都依次按左对齐排列。正文与主题之间空一行,正文的第一行缩四个英文字母,正文结束后不需要再写落款和日期。2021/6/1814 通知常用句式1. Attention, please!2. By this we inform that…3.Notice is hereby given that…4. We are sorry to inform you that…5. I have an announcement to make.6. It is a great pleasure to inform you that …7. There is a meeting/training course in…2021/6/1815 Writing Practice 1Write a notice in the name of the students’ union of a friendly football match between your school team and the team from Wuhan University. All the teachers and students, especially football fans, are encoura



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