外研版(三起)英语六年级上册Module 5课件.pptx

外研版(三起)英语六年级上册Module 5课件.pptx

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Module 5;Free talk;He can ___________. / He can’t __________.;Look, listen and say.;Read and answer;Grammar ;(2) speak在此处表示“讲”某种语言。 “speak+某种语言”相当于“say sth. in +某 种语言”,意思是“用某种语言表达某事”。 【例】 I can speak English. I can say “dog” in English.; Laura: Hi, Simon. Simon: Hi, Laura. This is my cousin Daming. He’s from China. Laura: Hello, Daming. I’m from the UK. Pleased to meet you! Can you speak English?;Daming: Yes, I can speak some English. Simon: You speak very good English, Daming!;Daming: I’ve got two friends from the UK. Their names are Sam and Amy. Laura: Can I write to your friends? Daming: Of course. They want a pen friend from the US. This is their address.; Laura: And can you be my Chinese pen friend? Daming: Yes, of course. This is my address in China. Laure: Thank you! But I can’t write in Chinese. Daming: Oh, I can write in English!;Read and answer;Simon and Daming meet Laura. She is ________ to see Daming. Laura ______ write in Chinese. She _____ write to Amy and Sam. Because they’re all from the UK. Daming can also ____ her Chinese __________. Because Daming can speak and write in English well. So Daming gives his ________ to Laura.;Listen and say.;;;Practise.;Play a chain game;For example;Summary;A friend in need is a friend indeed.;Module 5;Free talk;Sam and Amy want to make pen friends too. Let’s watch the video of Activity 1 first.;1. Amy can write to her pen friend in _________. A. Chinese B. English C. French 2. Tom _________ a pen friend. A. wants B. doesn’t want C. likes;Sam: I want a pen friend. We can write in English and Chinese. Amy: I want a pen friend. We can write in French.;Amy: Tom, do you want a pen friend? Sam: No, he wants a phone friend.;Read and answ


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