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- 国际标准 ISO 7425-2:1989 EN 液压流体动力 带弹性体的塑料面密封件外壳 尺寸和公差 第2部分:杆密封件外壳 Hydraulic fluid power — Housings for elastomer-energized, plastic-faced seals — Dimensions and tolerances — Part 2: Rod seal housings.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 7425-2:1989 EN Hydraulic fluid power — Housings for elastomer-energized, plastic-faced seals — Dimensions and tolerances — Part 2: Rod seal housings 液压流体动力 带弹性体的塑料面密封件外壳 尺寸和公差 第2部分:杆密封件外壳.pdf
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- 国际标准 ISO 7432:2018 EN Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes and fittings — Test methods to prove the design of locked socket-and-spigot joints, including double-socket joints, with elastomeric seals 玻璃纤维增强热固性塑料(GRP)管材与管件 证明带弹性密封件的承.pdf
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