【英/法语版】国际标准 IEC 60092:2025 SER EN-FR Electrical installations in ships - ALL PARTS 船舶电气安装-所有部分.pdf
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- 2025-01-19 发布于四川
- 现行
- 正在执行有效期
- | 2018-01-08 颁布
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- 国际标准 ISO 14544:2025 EN Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Mechanical properties of ceramic composites at high temperature — Determination of compressive properties 精细陶瓷(高级陶瓷,高级技术陶瓷)——高温下陶瓷复合材料的机械性能——压缩性能的测定.pdf