《到灯塔去》的艺术特色 --毕业论文.doc

《到灯塔去》的艺术特色 --毕业论文.doc

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【标题】《到灯塔去》的艺术特色 【作者】苏碧霞 【关键词】象征主义;?意识流;?绘画美学 【指导老师】张亚军 【专业】英语 【正文】 I. A Brief Introduction? Virginia Woolf?(1882-1941), was a British novelist, essayist, and critic, who helped create the modern novel. Her writing often explores the concepts of time, memory, and people’s inner consciousness, and is remarkable for its humanity and depth of perception. A. Woolf’s Life Experiences Born Adeline Virginia Stephen in London, Woolf was the daughter of biographer and critic Leslie Stephen?(later Sir Leslie) and Julia Jackson Duckworth. She was educated at home by her father. After her father’s death in 1904, she, her sister Vanessa, and her brothers Adrian and Thoby moved to Bloomsbury, then a bohemian section of London. In 1912 she married Leonard Woolf, a critic and writer on economics and politics. Virginia Woolf, her husband, her siblings, and their friends became known as the Bloomsbury Group. Meeting frequently until about 1930, the Bloomsbury Group also included the painter Duncan Grant, art critics Roger Fry and Clive Bell?(Vanessa’s husband), economist John Maynard Keynes, and editor Desmond McCarthy. Although the group shared certain values, it had no common doctrine. It was simply a number of friends, whose affection and respect for each other stood the test of thirty years, and whose intellectual candor made their company agreeable to each other. In 1917 the Woolfs founded Hogarth Press, which became a successful publishing house, printing the early works of authors such as Forster, Katherine Mansfield, and T. S. Eliot, and introducing the works of Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis, to English readers. Except for the first printing of Woolf’s first novel, The Voyage out, Hogarth Press also published all of her works. From the time of her mother’s death in 1895, Woolf suffered from what is now believed to have been bipolar disorder, which is characterized by alternating moods of mania and depression. In 1941, at the apparent onset of a period of


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