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三對情侶接受薩提爾取向婚前諮商的療效分析 The Effectiveness of Satir Model to Premarital Counseling with Three Couples 高雄師範大學輔導與諮商研究所 卓紋君 WenChun Cho Graduate Institute of Counseling and Guidance, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan 壹、緒論 Introduction 一、研究背景 The Background of the Study (一) 婚姻問題日益增加與複雜,而且離婚率趨高 An increase of the complexity of marital problems and divorce rate. (二) 國內學界與實務界對於「預防重於治療」概 念的重視 An emphasis on “prevention is more important than cure” from academia and practitioners. 壹、緒論 Introduction 一、 研究背景 The Background of the Study (三) 家庭教育法的通過(民92),為兩性交往課程與婚前 教育的推廣提供法源依據 The legalization of Family Education Law provides the strong base for promoting premarital education and preparation. (四) 婚前諮商雖與婚前教育同具類似目標,但不 若後者普遍和受到提倡 Premarital counseling shares common goals with premarital education but gets less advocate. 壹、緒論 Introduction 一、 研究背景 The Background of the Study (五) 幸福婚姻強調有效的溝通與衝突處理。而透由婚前諮商可以深入探討並處理婚前情侶(或將婚者)的關係議題,進而提高營造幸福婚姻的可能性 Happy marriage is characterized with effective communication and conflict management. Premarital counseling can increase the probability of happy marriage by helping couples explore and resolve their relationship problems in advance. 壹、緒論 Introduction 一、 研究背景 The Background of the Study (六) 薩提爾模式於婚前諮商應有相當的適用性,值得加以探討其治療的成效。 The application of Satir model to premarital counseling is optimal and deserves study in order to understand its effectiveness. 二、研究目的 The Purpose of the Study (一) 旨在探討將婚情侶接受薩提爾模式之婚前諮商的效果,包括諮商期間與六週後,當事人的改變經驗。 To understand what changes occurred as a result of PCSM (二)探究那些薩提爾模式的技術促使當事人的改變。 To explore what techniques of Satir model used in premarital counseling were helpful for couples to make changes? 貳、文獻探討 Literature Review 一、婚前諮商的重要性及相關研究 The importance of premarital cou


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