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摘 要 随着计算机在人们的生活中的比重不断增加,为了使用户与计算机之间更好的进行沟通,多媒体技术起着不可忽视的作用。现在,电脑正逐渐成为人们获取信息的主要工具,书法这种通过传统传播方式的文化也应该与现代的信息技术接轨,在新的时代以崭新的方式继续传承下去,既不丧失其原有的内涵形态,又能够以符合时代的方式出现在人们眼前,从而更方便更简单的被人们所接受。要实现这一点,多媒体技术也是不可或缺的。 作品以盛行书法的唐代为切入点,通过书法本身的文字,再结合图形、影像、声音、动画等等,将唐代书法作品中所涵盖的信息数位化、立体化,再将其整合在一起,通过一定的交互形式表现出来,使其具有展示性及互动性,从而赋予这种古老的文化以新的生命。 关键字:多媒体,人机交互,用户界面,书法,中国文化 The multimedia technology in the application of the calligraphy art in tang dynasty Abstract Along with more and more frequent usage of the computer in peoples life, multimedia technology is playing an important role in order to increase the communications and interactivity between users. Nowadays, computers and internet are major tools for people to get access to information. The cultures such as calligraphy which were usually learnt in traditional methods should also adopt the modern information technology, which will help discover a new way to pass and inherit these precious cultures and traditions in the new era. Multimedia technology’s application in calligraphy will not lose its original form and essence, the calligraphy can also be shown in a unique way in front of people, which is also a more convenient and simple way for people to understand and accept. To reach this goal, multimedia technology is indispensable. Work is based on the characters of tang dynasty calligraphy, combined with shapes, videos, sounds and automations to make the information of tang dynasty calligraphy digital and three-dimensional, which later I try to combine and show through interactive ways so that the ancient culture will be more dynamic. Keywords:multimedia,human-machine interaction,user interface,calligraphy,Chinese culture 多媒体技术在唐代书法中的应用 杜琰滢 072106201 0 引言 中国书法是一门古老的汉字书写艺术,从甲骨文、石鼓文、金文(钟鼎文)演变而为大篆、小篆、隶书,至定型于东汉、魏、晋的草书、楷书、行书等,书法一直散发着艺术的魅力。中国书法是一种很独特的视觉艺术,世界公认中国最强盛的时代之一。世界华人书画艺术家联合会副会长志远文振兴中国书法必须把书法艺术的宣传普及的重点转移到现代化的网络时代必须要与电视等现代高新科技大众化媒体结合起来。多媒体技术的特点: 能够完成在内容上相关联的多媒体信息的处理和传送,如声音、活动图像、文本、图形、动画等; 交互式工作,而不是简单的单向或双向传输; 网络联结,即各种媒体信息是通过网络传输的,而不是借助CD-RO


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