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Sweden(瑞典) very good welfare policy provides income protection, medical care, education and housing benefits elderly, disabled, children, women, poor families and so on 瑞典福利政策 1.The welfare policy on children(儿童福利) 2.Family fiscal policy(家庭财政政策) 3.Endowment insurance(养老保险) 4.Social insurance(社会保险) 瑞典福利项目 6.Unemployment benefit(失业救济) 5.Health and medical services(医疗保障) 7.Refugees asylum(难民收容) In Swedens social welfare policies, there is a viewpoint, families with children have the burden(负担)because of their children, so need societys help. 家庭财政政策 儿童事务的瑞典国家预算支出分配 儿童福利 appropriation(拨款) stability(稳定) Welfare policys Window : the most generous also the most developed pension system(养老金制度) A set of from cradle(摇篮) to grave(坟墓) huge social security system 养老保险 Relevant(相关的) policies : The first 200 days , unemployment benefits(失业救济)account for 80 percent of the original income(平常收入), and from 200 days to 300 days, for 70%. 失业救济 A year if expenses would have accumulated(累计) over 3000 krone(克朗) can not only enjoy free drugs,but also other expenses, such as treatment,even including travelling expenses (往返诊所的路费). 卫生与医疗服务 Social insurance provide economic security(经济支持) for patients, the disabled, the old man and families with children. 社会保险 In Sweden, the government believe that they should continue to provide a set of kindness refugee policy(难民政策) to help they. 难民收容与救济政策


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