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[摘要] 随着互联网的普及和政府业务系统与办公系统信息化的初步形成,适应电子政务发展规律逐步与国际接轨,体现以人为本打造服务型政府,电子政务发展进入以服务对象为中心的新阶段。分析户电的原因在此基础上对提出一些对策。Abstract] Along with Internets popularization and government operational channel and work system informationization preliminary formation, The adaptation E-government law of development, with the international trail connection, manifests gradually humanist, the making service government, the E-government will develop will enter take the target client as the central new stage. The paper first introduced E-governments basic concept, the key research city, the area 2 level of E-governments the influence which as well as the analysis government manages to the government adopt the reason which and the solution to the E-government “heavy hard light and soft” and so on a series of questions produce, simultaneously investigates in the government affairs informationization advancement the public and the official to the government affairs information different demand. Through the questionnaire survey and the debarkation city, the area government affairs website and to its comparative analysis, discovers the user to serve the discontented reason to the E-government, based on this aims at the improvement user degree of satisfaction to propose some countermeasures. The manufacture service flow chart, and carries on the analysis to it, discovers exists the question and proposes the corresponding countermeasure..
[Key word]
E-government Government reform Demand analysis Operation flow
目 录
引言 4
1.电子政务 4
1.1 电子政务定义 4
1.2 电子政务具体内容 4
2.电子政务的需求分析 5
2.1.电子政务需求调查问卷 5
2.2相关调查数据及分析报告 5
3.市、区2级电子政务对政府管理的影响及问题分析 10
3.1 市、区2级电子政务网站相关介绍 10
3.2 市、区2级电子政务的应用及相关流程分析 13
3.3 电子政务对政府管理的意义 17
4.电子政务中存在的问题 19
4.1 电子政务在中国目前存在的问题 19
4.2对问题的解决思路 21
5.结束语 22
参考文献 22
电子政务,是政府机构应用现代信息和通信技术 ,将管理和服务通过网络技术进行集成并实现政府组织结构和工作流程的优化重组,超越时空及部门之间的分隔限制 ,向社会提供优质全方位规范而透明的、符合国际水准的管理和服务。在加入WTO后,实行电子政务有利于政府行政管理职能的进一步转变树立政府廉洁高效的形象,拉近政府与百姓之间的距离,建立一个以反映公众需求为导向的政府,从而为公众的生活、工作和学习提供更广泛更便捷的信
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