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PAGE  PAGE 21 河南科技学院 2009届毕业论文(设计) 论文题目:基于SolidWorks的双极三轴线圆柱齿轮减速器设计 学生姓名:高鹏飞 所在院系:机电学院 所在专业:机械设计制造及其自动化 指导老师:杜家熙 卞平艳 完成时间:2009年5月19号 摘 要 圆柱齿轮减速器在各行各业中十分广泛地使用着,是一种不可缺少的机械传动装置。当前减速器普遍存在着体积大、重量大,或者传动比大而机械效率过低的问题。 功能强大、易学易用和技术创新是SolidWorks 的三大特点,使得SolidWorks 成为领先的、主流的三维CAD解决方案。SolidWorks 能够提供不同的设计方案、减少设计过程中的错误以及提高产品质量。SolidWorks 不仅提供如此强大的功能,同时对每个工程师和设计者来说,操作简单方便、易学易用。 基于SolidWorks的双级三轴线圆柱齿轮减速器的设计就是根据原始的给定参数,如轴的转速,工作载荷等,设计计算减速器各个结构的尺寸,绘制出减速器机构的各个相关附件。从而运用实体造型软件SolidWorks绘制出实体,检查减速器设计尺寸的合理性,并进行模拟运动仿真。 关键字:减速器,Solidworks,实体造型 Abstract Cylindrical gear reducer widely exists in large range of different industries, and is an indispensable mechanical transmission device. The problem of current reducer is that size, weight, and the transmission ratio is large while the mechanical efficiency is rather low. Powerful, easy-to-use and technological innovation are the three major characteristics of SolidWorks, the Solid Works become a leading, mainstream 3D CAD solution. SolidWorks can provide different design programs to reduce errors in the design process and improving product quality. SolidWorks not only to provide such a powerful and at the same time engineers and designers for each, the operation is simple and convenient, easy to learn and use. SolidWorks bases on three axes of the two-stage design of cylindrical gear reducer is given in accordance with the original parameters, such as shaft speed, work load and so on, all the structural design and calculation of the size reducer,drawing the annex parts of the cylindrical gear reducer. Thus the solid modeling software is indispensable in inspection of a reasonable size reducer design, and simulation movement. Key words : Cylindrical gear reducer, SolidWorks, simulation movement 目 录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc230963967 1 绪论  PAGEREF _Toc230963967 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc230963968 1.1 圆柱齿轮减速器国内外研究现状  PAGEREF _Toc230963968 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc230963969 1.2 实体造型软件的选择  PAGEREF _Toc2309


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