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兰州交通大学毕业设计(论文) PAGE PAGE I 摘 要 20世纪90年代,国际上电子和计算机技术较先进的国家,一直在积极探索新的电子电路设计方法,并在设计方法、工具等方面进行了彻底的变革,取得了巨大成功。在电子技术设计领域,可编程逻辑器件(如CPLD、FPGA)的应用,已得到广泛的普及,这些器件为数字系统的设计带来了极大的灵活性。这一切极大地改变了传统的数字系统设计方法、设计过程和设计观念,促进了EDA技术的迅速发展。 本次设计在EDA开发平台QUARTUSⅡ7.2上利用VHDL语言设计矩阵键盘控制接口电路。要求设计一个4×9矩阵键盘,一共有三个模块,分别为:扫描电路模块、时钟产生模块、键盘译码电路和按键标志位产生电路。扫描模块中是为了产生扫描信号,来利用扫描信号来扫描键盘中是否有按键按下。键盘译码电路和按键标志位产生电路也是为了配合扫描模块来扫描电路中是否有按键按下,而且还要求它来产生按键标志信号,以便和外部电路握手。时钟产生电路是为了产生不同频率的信号,来驱动上面两个电路的运转。 通过对课题的分析研究,掌握了VHDL语言编程方法,同时也增强了个人的学习能力和动手能力。 关键词: FPGA/CPLD;矩阵键盘;仿真 Abstract More countries which have advanced electronic and computer technology among the International field have been actively exploring new electronic circuit design method and design method. And they made some completely reformation in the design methods and the tools, that has achieved a huge success since the 1990s. In the Electrical Technology Design field, programmable logic device such as: CPLD, FPGA’s adhibition have been already popularized. All those devices made a great flexibility to the design of the digital system. And also changed the traditional digital system’ design methods, design procedure and the design concept immensely. And it is greatly enhanced the development of the EDA. Circuit designing that QUARTUSⅡdeveloping platform in EDA makes use of VHDL language design Matrix keyboard interface circuit on 7.2 originally time. Requirement is to design a matrix keyboard 4×9, a total of three modules, namely: scanning circuit module, clock generation module, the keyboard decoder circuit and the key flag generation circuit. Scanner module is to generate scanning signals to the scanning signal to scan the keyboard button press whether there. Keyboard decoding circuit and button flag generating circuit is connected to the scanning module to scan the circuit if there are key pressed, but also requires it to generate key signs and signals, and external circuit to shake hands. Clock generating circuit is to generate signals of different


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