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浙江育英职业技术学院毕业论文 XD网络办公系统 第  PAGE 67 页 共  NUMPAGES 67 页 ASP技术构建XD网络办公系统 [摘要] 网络办公系统是为适应现代无纸化及网络化办公的趋势,更好地服务于现代办公操作,基于Internet Web开发的一套广泛应用于各行业企事业单位的办公自动化系统。办公自动化(简称为OA--Office Automation)。 本文论述了一个基于公司企业实现无纸化办公的采用B/S模式下的充分利用数据库服务的整体软件平台的设计与实现。分析了该系统所适应的计算机软硬件的配置环境与选取的利弊。讨论了系统的结构框架和设计原理。说明了系统数据库设计的思路与实现方法。系统构建的重点主要在于系统使用权限的设计、公司营运流程的细分和模式化、系统数据库的合理设计与实现。本文中就如何在软件中实现以上几点作了详细分析与讲解,并??出了使用Sql Server数据库建立本系统数据库的实例。 关键字 B/S网络办公系统 ASP SQL技术 [Abstract ] The network office system is for adapting to the modern with no paper at all and networked trend that handle official business, serve and handle official business modernly and operate better, a set of office automated systems applied to the every profession and trade enterprises and institutions extensively developed on the basis of Internet Web. Handle official business and turn (abbreviation into OA automatically --Office Automation). This thesis is focused on the design and implementation of handle official business without paper, in the mode of company management with fully Data Service utilization. By the analysis of system framework and deployment, we explore the specific structure of original Data extraction model, build up a simplized model with Data extraction, Data collection interpretation and report template filling as its three phases. The system structure mainly emphasizes on the process capability of large quantity of database, system efficiency and global parameter configuration, so as to lessen program redevelopment. In order to realize the above effects, such techniques are widely used in the system, as memory calculation, fast lookup algorithm, formula analysis algorithm, predication analysis, working procedure control, report template filling, among which several key technical calculation are provided. Key words B/S network office system ASP SQL technology 目 录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z  HYPERLINK \l _To1.概 述  PAGEREF _Toc7430


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