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白血病患者骨髓移植术后使用环孢素A治疗的结果分析 尹玉琴1 李莹2 徐贵丽1 (1成都军区昆明总医院 昆明650032,2贵阳医学院药学院 贵阳55000) 【摘要】目的:分析14例骨髓移植患者术后环孢素A(CsA)的有效血药浓度范围,探讨其临床有效性和安全性,为临床更好地合理使用CsA提供参考。方法:采用免疫分析方法对14例骨髓移植患者术后1~466d全血谷浓度进行监测,共216次,并对监测结果进行分析。结果:慢性粒细胞性白血病患者术后CsA的有效血药浓度范围为:50~450 ng/ml。急性非淋巴细胞白血病患者术后CsA的有效血药浓度范围为100~450 ng/ml。急性淋巴细胞白血病患者术后CsA的有效血药浓度范围为100~350 ng/ml。地中海贫血患者术后CsA的有效血药浓度范围为200~500 ng/ml。全血细胞减少症患者术后CsA的有效血药浓度范围为250~500 ng/ml。骨髓移植术后7例出现排斥反应的谷浓度为67.4~189.34 ng/ml(平均 125.44±39.56 ng/ml)。3例发生不良反应的谷浓度为412.5~548.62 ng/ml(平均 481.39±68.08)。结论:及时跟踪监测患者CsA血药浓度,调整用药方案,可避免排斥反应和不良反应的发生。对确保患者用药安全有效具有重要的意义。 关键词:骨髓移植术后;环孢素A;免疫法;治疗药物监测 Monitoring and Analysis of Cyclosporin A Blood concentration in patients after allogeneic hem atopoietic stem cell transplantaion Yin Yuqin1, Li Ying 2 , Xiu Guili1 (1 .Kunming General Hospital of Chengdu Military Region,Kunming 650032,China; 2. Gui yang of Pharmacy, gui yangUniversity , Gui yang55000) Abstract objective: To analyze the suitable dose and effective blood concentration of cyclosporine A by monitoring the blood concentration of patients after allogeneic hem atopoietic stem cell transplantation in 14,and to supply the theoretic basis for clinical rational administration of drug ,which may be used for studying the efficacy and safety in the clinic. Methods:216 cases’ cyclosporin A blood concentrations in 14 allogeneic hem atopoietic stem cell transplant recipients were determined by the fluorescence polarization immunoassay,the results were analyzed. Results:The CML patients’ CsA blood concentration was (50~450) μg/ ml . The AML patients’ CsA blood concentration was(100~450)μg/ml.The ALL patients’ CsA blood concentration was(100~350)μg/ml. The Thalassemia patients’ CsA blood concentration was (200~500) μg/ ml. The IRP patients’ CsA blood concentration was (250~500) μg/ ml . valley density (67.4~189.34) ng/ml,the average was (125.44±39.56) ng/ml (n=7). ng/ml in which the patients appeared rejection reaction. The valley densit


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