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学号 毕 业 设 计 题目:小型超市收银系统的设计与实现 作 者 届 别 2011届 院 别 计算机学院 专 业 计算机科学与技术 指导教师 职 称 讲 师 完成时间 2011年5月0号 摘 要 随着销售行业竞争日益激烈,小型超市收银系统的引入显得极其重要。它不但可以提高进销存管理的工作效率,而且可以有效减少盲目采购、降低采购成本、合理控制库存、减少资金占用并提高市场灵敏度,从根本上提升超市的市场竞争力。 本系统运用计算机管理信息技术,建立数据库,对超市的进销存过程进行详细的分析,实现了对超市的进货、销售和库存的科学管理。它主要包括以下几大模块:登录模块、商品入库模块、商品销售模块、营业统计模块、商品信息模块、供应商信息模块、用户信息模块。各模块相许独立,同时又构成统一的整体。 本文主要介绍了小型超市收银系统的环境、所用到的开发语言、功能作用、设计的方案等各方面的内容,其目的在于让使用者了解此系统,使他们能更好的运用本系统,使此系统发挥出应有的作用。另外在文中还予以指出了系统开发有待于进一步完善发展的方向。 关键词:收银系统;控件;窗体;.net平台 ABSTRACT With the increasingly fierce competition in sales industry, the introduction of small supermarket cashier system is very important. It can not only improve the working efficiency of the purchase-sell-stock management, but also can effectively reduce the blind procurement, reduce procurement cost, have the reasonable control of inventory, reduce capital that takes up and improve market sensitivity, fundamentally ascending supermarket market competitiveness. This system uses computer-information-management technology, establish the database of supermarket. With a detailed analysis of the supermarket, it achieves the functions of purchasing and the scientific management of sales and stock. It includes the following major modules: login module, storage module of goods, merchandise sales module, operating statistics module, product information module, the module supplier information, user information module. Phase allowed to independently of each module, at the same time constitute a unified whole. In this paper, a small supermarket cash register system environment, the language used in the development, function, design and other aspects of the program, which aims to allow users to understand this system so they can better use the system, so that This system play its due role. Also in the article we pointed out that the system should be with further imp


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