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食品卫生事件引发政府危机管理的研究 摘 要:食品卫生安全问题关系着每一个人的健康和生命安全,由食品安全引发的政府危机管理问题近年来层出不穷,成为当今政府机关需要关注的课题之一。从我国目前的实情来看,加强政府的危机处理能力,就应当不断地进行改革与完善,从政府组织体制、危机管理法律以及政府决策者素质方面来进行调整。本文对2001年—2008年我国几起重大的食品安全卫生事件进行了案例分析;借鉴国外先进的危机管理体制,分析并总结我国危机管理体制存在的弊端,包括了传统科层制政府组织体制的负面影响、危机管理控制体系的滞后、危机管理中政府权责之缺陷和应急处置权责模糊、危机管理立法仍然呈分散性等;最后本文通过分析比较国内外危机管理体制优缺点,初步提出了一套适合我国国情的,由食品安全引发政府危机管理的体制。 关键词:食品卫生事件;政府危机管理能力 Research on Government Crisis Management Caused by Food Hygiene Incident Abstract: Food safety issues have a close relation to peoples health and safety.Many crises occurred in the management of government were caused by food safety issues, which have turned into a concerned problem to the present government in these years. According to the current situation in China, a lots of needed reforms and improvements ought to be made from the organizational structure and crisis management laws to the qualities of decision makers so as to strengthen capacities for handling crises of management. In this paper, I will show you some major food safety incidents in China from the year 2001 to 2008, and analyze the features of crisis of advanced foreign management system. Finding that there are many serious problems and adverse impact on the traditional management of government structures such as backward management scattered crisis management legislation and fuzzy governments powers and responsibilities in crisis, I propose a set of crisis management system for the government due to food safety issues,after a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of domestic and international crisis management system,based on Chinas national condition. Key words: Food hygiene incident;Government crisis management capability 目 录 1 引言 1 1.1 问题的提出 1 1.2 研究的意义和目标 1 1.3 本论文的主要内容 1 2危机管理和食品安全概述 3 2.1 政府危机和食品安全的相关概念 3 2.2 美国政府危机管理和应对体系 4 2.3 西方国家政府危机管理的特点和优点 8 3食品安全事件分析和我国危机管理存在的问题研究 10 3.1 食品安全案例分析 10 3.2 食品安全个案分析 11 3.3 我国危机管理存在的问题 12 4食品安全事件引发的政府危机管理机制 16 4.1 改善我国危机管理机制的几点对策 16 4.2 本论文初步提出的食品安全危机管理机制 2


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