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PAGE  .  SKIPIF 1 0  本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目: 技术联盟成员伙伴风险及控制研究 学 院: 国 际 商 学 院 专 业: 物 流 管 理 姓 名: 周 慧 慧 指导老师: 秦 文 婷 2009 年 6 月 12 日 技术联盟成员伙伴风险及控制研究 摘要 技术联盟作为一种全新的现代组织形式,己被众多当代企业家视为企业发展的重要战略选择之一。在企业技术联盟的发展过程中,很重要的一个问题就是联盟成员伙伴风险的问题,技术联盟成员风险能否有效地控制,不仅关系到联盟各方的利益,还影响技术联盟的成功与否。 本文正是基于这样一种情况来研究企业技术联盟成员。文章首先介绍国内外对企业技术联盟及其联盟成员风险的研究现状,提出研究的目的及意义。这一背景下介绍企业技术联盟成员风险的内涵、特征、分类,在对成员风险清晰认识的基础上对企业技术联盟成员风险如企业文化的差异化、利益分配的不公平、联盟企业间缺乏信任等方面进行深刻的分析,在此基础上从培育合作基础、文化整合、建立合理的利益分配及信任机制等方面提出技术联盟成员风险规避和控制的措施,以保证保证联盟稳定良性的运行。 关键词 技术联盟 成员风险 文化整合 信任机制 利益分配 The Research on The Risk Controlling of Technology Alliance Members Abstract Being a kind of brand-new modern organizational form , the technology alliance has already been regarded as one of the important strategic choices of enterprise’ development by numerous contemporary entrepreneurs. In the course of development of the business technology alliance, there is a very important question about the risk between members of the alliance. Whether the risk can be effectively controlled, it is merely contacted with the interests of alliance’s each side, still influences the success of the technology alliance. Research on the risk of the technology alliance comes down to the basis of this situation in this article. It analyzes domestic and international study on the current situation of the technology alliance at first, as well as introduces the purpose and significance of the study. Then the article introduces the definition, characteristics, classification. On the base of a clear understanding of the risk between partners of the alliance ,the article show a profound analysis on the risk between partners such as the differences in corporate culture、the unfair distribution of benefits and lack of trust in partners of alliance and so on. Finally, in order to control the risk and confirm that the a


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