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单片机电梯控制系统设计 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 摘 要 Based on SCM elevator control system of intelligent design Abstract: With the improvement of the modernization of our country. The elevator has become an important tool for high-rise buildings. It is safe, reliable and vertical fluctuation in high buildings, which works both in improving working conditions and reduces labor intensity. At the same time, the elevator makes our life much easier and provides a powerful guarantee for the modernization in our country. Applications of elevators are wide. We can see them in hotels, restaurants, office buildings, shopping, entertainment, warehouses and residential buildings. Therefore, elevators have become an indispensable facility to us, Using single-chip microcomputer control of elevator has a low cost, versatility, flexibility and easy to realize complex control, EST. Based on SCM elevator control system of intelligent design separately form the system requirements and hardware design, software design and so on several parts design, introducing the AT89C51 series microcontroller as the core, and combined with 74LS245 and LED etc chip and with matching assembler language software on concrete realization method of the elevator simulation, this method can not only realize the basic function of the elevator, and can set the elevator nonstop, abrupt stop, blackouts, thus, can repair function such as the realization of elevator intelligent control and the corresponding optimal route choice, improve elevator utilization. Key Words: Microcontroller; Elevator; System; Control. 1.概 述 1.1 课题研究背景与意义 随着现代高科技的发展,住房和办公用楼都已经逐渐向高层发展。电梯是高层宾馆、商店、住宅、多层仓库等高层建筑不可缺少的垂直方向的交通运输工具。 目前,由可编程控制器(PLC)或微型计算机组成的电梯运行逻辑控制系统,正以很快的速度发展着。可编程控制器,是微机技术与继电器常规控制技术相结合的产物,是在顺序控制器和微机控制器的基础上发展起来的新型控制器,是一种以微处理器为核心用作数字控制的专用计算机,它有良好的抗干扰性能,适应很多工业控制现场的恶劣环境,所以现在的电梯控制系统主要还是由可编程控制器控制。但是由于PLC的针对性较强,每一台PLC都是根据一个设备而设计的,所以价格比较昂贵。而单片机的价格相当便宜,如果在抗干扰功能上有所提高的话完全可以代替PLC实现对工控设备的控制。 当然单片机并不像PLC那么有针对性,所以由单片机设计的控制系统可以随着设备的更新而不断修改完善,更完美的实现设备的升级。在科技的不断发展


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